The Episode That CHANGED Steven Universe...

Published 2023-06-09

All Comments (21)
  • @flowerbit4137
    I completely agree. This episode totally changes the course of the whole show! In this episode after Garnet says the line “we don’t know WHAT Steven is” we see Steven struggle to find the answer to that question for the next 4 seasons! He wants to know, is he a human? Is he a gem? Is he a Diamond? Is he HIS MOM? Who is he? What is he for? That thought that Garnet incidentally puts into his head this episode stays with him all the way up until Change Your Mind when he learns that he’s just Steven, something completely new, who was only made because his parents just wanted him to be
  • tbh i love the fact that amythest was the most mature in the gems' discussion. she was self aware enough to admit the three of them aren't what steven needs. Whilst garnet and pearl try to reassure themselves or do what they think is right. amythest is just able to admit it but still keep trying to improve. i feel like it really comes full circle at the end of the show w the pink diamond reveal and she actively puts the spotlight onto steven bc he needs someone to listen to him.
  • @twvix
    Steven decided to lie at the last minute. He was marching through the test angry and determined to tell them off. But as that last door opened, he saw how nervous, relieved, and proud they were and having overheard them before he knew it was genuine feelings but still a lie, with loving intent. He knew it would be wrong to be angry with them, but still being a child didn't grasp exactly what to do.. so being put on the spot, he did what they did and told a loving lie too.
  • I don't think I realized just how much that episode taught Steven to fake being okay for the sake of the people around him. Throughout the show he does his best to help everyone in his life, and it's good to help, I still remember his talk with Garnet and the stray cats when I get overwhelmed. But he's also a child that really, really needed a therapist.
  • @leftovers6135
    There's a psychological term for what happens to Steven for the rest of the series: emotional parentification. He feels like he needs to care for those who were supposed to care for him. And what's one of the biggest behaviors that indicates this type of trauma? A lack of care for one's self. People pleasing. Putting others needs above your own, even to one's own detriment. It's really interesting when analyzing trauma, and very obvious in Steven's character. (Maybe obvious, I'm just a psych grad)
  • @nathansalim
    definitely, Steven being complacent with the Gems, even lying to them, is one of the darkest moments of the series, as it compiles several future mental traumas that Steven starts to have. As Adele said, "Complacency is the worst trait to have, are you crazy?"
  • I remember when future finished people were so critical saying that Steven decline came out of nowhere and I agreed until I rewatched the show and saw this episode again. This is really all the context you need as to how he ended up in future. In that moment he decided he would prioritize other peoples feelings and mental states over his own and instead of finding out what he needs which is the central question of the episode the whole show is about Steven pursuing other peoples needs
  • @matti.8465
    Back then this episode left me puzzled, I was even a little baffled because I understood Steven's frustration and didn't get his decision at the end. By this point episodes usually had a moral, but this one was left oddly ambiguous, the show isn't really claiming Steven did the right thing, it ends on an almost depressing note. Man, it's hard looking at the first episodes and seeing how ill-equiped the gems were to be parents. Most of the time they were neglectful or emotionally distant.
  • when it first came out i loved The Test because it just shows Steven's emotional maturity, and being able to put the Gems' own feelings above his own. I think I've cried watching it, the way he lies to protect them in a little way, instead of blowing up at the gems for lying themselves. He's able to see where they were coming from and that makes him such a "strong" character.
  • something insane is that Garnet was likely able to predict something like this could happen. She knew, to some extent, Steven would have this revelation and reaction. Of course, as Steven gets older, he becomes less predictable, which changes the visions paths, but.. damn...
  • @shipshow463
    Yes, Rebecca Sugar and Ian JQ have actually spoken repeatedly in some detail about how important of an episode "The Test" is. Episode freaking 38 of the show and they were already consciously laying so many of the themes and ideas that would continue on until the end. What artistry, what courage. Just personally, I think it would enhance your argument to have some quotes from the creators backing up what you're saying. And the cool thing with SU is that often, those quotes are out there because yes, the writers did intend that really cool thing. And yes, Steven Universe is so rewatchable because it was written to be. They put in subtle details that you'll only really catch on a second or third viewing. And the way the show's writing is deliberately designed to be recontextualized at certain points is true mastery. Future is actually genius imo. And all of this effort was put into a "children's show" way before it ever got super popular. That's passion and a desire to create true art. And yeah, smart idea to go through old fandom analysis and stuff for ideas and talking points. There's a ton of pretty good writing out there about the show that is just laying around for any content creator to come along and use. I'm fairly knowledgeable about this show myself so if you ever want someone to bounce ideas off of for a video, I'd be happy to. Keep up the good work!
  • As i always said about this episode, the tests purpose was to see if he could act like a crystal gem. During the test he observed the crystal gems behavior, and copied it, proving he could do everything a crystal gem could do, including lying to make one of their fellow members feel better and giving them a win when they really needed it
  • @crystalkirby
    I honestly think Steven was tossing up whether to lie or tell the truth right up until the last possible second. He's a good, sweet, pure, innocent child at this point in the show still, and is likely compelled to tell the truth to the Gems, that he knows what they did, but he also knows how much that will hurt them too. So after struggling to come to the final choice he ends up choosing to put his emotions behind everyone else that he loves. For their sake.
  • @Sleepy-Ch1p
    I feel like Steven decided to lie when he actually got to the gems, realizing mid-way through what he was saying. he fully understood why the gems did what they did. also another reason is how he was walking through the dungeon the second time, he looked angry to me, but also determined. I dunno, but this truly is one of my favorite episodes in all of Steven Universe.
  • @Wowzers-ry8xo
    PLEEEEASE KEEP DOING THESE STEVEN UNIVERSE VIDEOS! I love your takes on this show and honestly it’s so nice to see people talk about it in a less negative light that I don’t see often nowadays.
  • @BB_Creative
    I personally think when Steven first over heard the conversation he was going to confront them. However as he going through each challenge I feel like their words echo through his head. So when he gets to the end, he is facing down so they don’t see him making the final decision and that was to lie. I think that’s how it went.
  • “With great power comes great responsibility” A common theme in superhero and fantasy stories. I like how Steven Universe Future flips it on its head to become “just because you have great power, doesn’t mean you have to carry ALL the responsibility”
  • As someone who has still not recovered from Steven Universe ending I really appreciate you showing these different perspectives. Really changes how you watch it. You’ve more than earned my sub. I cant wait for the next one.
  • This is a little off topic, but an episode that I thought was interesting was “Too many birthdays” because first of all, you got to see how Steven grew up and how you shouldn’t care what others think about things you like. Also, ALL of the gems freaked out, I don’t pay attention much, but the way Garnet silently started freaking out and had to be stopped by the OTHER gems was crazy to me.
  • NEVER STOP THE STEVEN UNIVERSE VIDEOS!!! your single handedly brought the fandom back together and its your duty to further keep it alive