Tony Robbins - Priming 2022

Published 2022-09-30
The wonderful Priming technique from Tony Robbins. From MMWS 22.

If there's any ads on this it's because of the music in the video, not from me.

00:00 WARM UP
Get the energy flowing in your body!

00:49 1️⃣ BREATHE
You will do a breathing exercise of 3 sets of 30 breaths with a pause in between each set.

You will think of 3 moments, people, experiences, life’s GIFTS you are grateful for, and fill up with joy, appreciation, and love.

06:31 3️⃣ VISUALIZE
You will imagine light coming down and filling your mind & body, healing anything that needs to be healed – thoughts, emotions, conditions.

You will send the energy out healing, strengthening, thanking, loving, appreciating, connecting to others.

You will focus on 3 outcomes, goals you want to achieve. You’ll place yourself on the other side of the achievement, in celebration of the feeling of victory when they are done.

11:09 6️⃣ STACKING
You will think of past and future moments that made you feel proud, made you laugh, made you exciting, and bring them into your heart, stacking on everything you've had so far.

15:06 7️⃣ CELEBRATE
You will make the sound of all the good feelings of your life all at once.

18:18 Warm down
Feel the good feelings in your body.

Wrapping up

All Comments (10)
  • @dannyelregio
    This video is the best out there about Tony's priming because it includes the "stacking" the good moments into your chest by saying Yes! part, also has the original soundtracks not the generic music. People should definitely try to save this one in their devices.
  • @mvongue
    ❤ thank you! Glad there’s no Ad 😅😊
  • @YarielDiaz-vc9su
    O wow amazing start the morning I can’t stop crying to fell all that king of feeling doing real woww thanks Tony from my deep heart🙏🙏🙏
  • @viviangel59
    Beautiful. Love seeing all the inspired, happy souls.
  • @healbodymind1238
    Yay! This made it online per my request in the MasterMind Group!!! I'm so ever grateful!! This is the best one so far!! All the stacking and various high emotional states at the end-- and the longer celebration and standing up etc takes this practice to magical levels! I had two 45 minute moments of grattiide, wailing tears, loads of OMGs, I almost wanted it to stop b/c it was so overwhelming!! Literally for 45 mins twice-- I became the EMOTION of gratitude-- it was a sober Ayuhusca-like experience. Do thisbdaily, without fail, and you'll be creating from a space of fullness (not lack). This is the piece of the LOA that's so hard for many-- feeling as if it's already here! This gets you there. I did this 4 months straight w/o fail and so much magic came in! Then I fell off, for 2 weeks,, due to overwhelm of saying "yes" to too much goodness-- things got difficult-- for a moment and I got back on the wagon. You do still need balance & self care! Lol
  • @valent_t
    What is the music that starts at three to thrive?