Pro Artist vs A.I. Art 🖌️🤖 (WHO WINS?!) #shorts

If you haven't seen it a hundred times already, this AI art program has been BLOWING UP all over social media. Upload a selfie or full body pic and get a pretty dang cool generated art image from it! But what if the AI app and I used the same reference photo to create an illustration - who would win?!
Don't mind that the app takes about 5 seconds and I took like 3,000x longer 😂

! Reference model is:

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3940 Laurel canyon blvd # 313
Studio city, CA 91604

#rossdraws #digitalart #AI

コメント (21)
  • @xlemzy
    Nah man, 4 hours??? Wtf, that’s hella impressive alone 😭😭
  • HOW DO YOU MAKE SOMETHING LIKE THAT IN ONLY 4 HOURS AND A HALF?? that's the most mind blowing thing for me. That's barely enough time for me to block and choose the right colors xd
  • @TuesdaysArt
    The AI one looks like someone just used a filter on the photo and called it a day. Your drawing took skill and effort to make.
  • The AI can't make such conscious artistic choices like changing, exaggerating proportions, facial expressions, colors, lighting etc to make them more appealing / interesting than they were in the original photo.
  • Personally liked yours better, not just because of the knowledge that's handmade but because when someone does the art of course can decide what and what not to add to make it more appealing while the auto generated one had little details that weren't as aesthetic. Being able to choose where to lead the eye into the image and on what focus details and stuff is not something a camera/filter does but the person behind it and- I don't know, love your art as always <3
  • AI should be used as a tool for inspiration or jokes not ment to replace real hard work and talent
  • Even when the IA looks pretty good, yours have more personality, and details like the changes in the background, that generally makes it look more alive and dynamic. The IA one looks kind of stiff at least in comparasion
  • The Artist definitely wins. He put a lot of details and crafts to his art work. No matter how long it takes.
  • The AI art was sharp but I really liked the results from kahma as well, way more natural vibes perfect for online dating.
  • @lofkii
    your drawing actually has life, the AI just replicated real life with no substance
  • as the AI obviously cant quite campete with artistic skill and stylization im still impressed by how good it mimics a semi-realistic art style
  • These challenges are cool and all but shoutout to kahma for the easy fancy photos thatll level up my LinkedIn for sure 😎
  • Human art is one thing but for pro photos you gotta go with kahmas slick AI portraits every time trust 💯
  • The AI looks cool today but so many people are using it that it´s gonna turno unto some generic crap, An artist Style will not