A chat with Jem Godfrey on Frost*, production, Cardiacs, Progressive Music, The Police and much more

Published 2021-09-24

All Comments (5)
  • What a fantastic birthday treat for me to have you share this! I'm relatively new to Frost* but they really do capture the ear's attention. As far as the last bit of the conversation, I think there's room for a hybrid concept, which is get your music out as fast possible - singles, etc. But leave room for a bigger collection of things, with just enough unheard material to put everything into (hopefully) a wider context. I've dabbled with the same idea, which would hopefully allow a bunch of demos to be presented to the fan base - which allows a certain amount of feedback and retrospection... then when there's enough material and time for the band to live with what was made, you can then take your ideas into the studio to put on all the polish. This way the band concentrates its resources (time and money) to an album that can be made with all of the kinks worked out ahead of time. Maybe, if appropriate, smaller bands can finance a better final / album production by way of singles sales. Just a thought. Cheers.
  • @SimonC3064
    I was at that 1984 Marillion gig at the Hammy Odeon. I think I was the one person there who fell in love with Cardiacs! I now consider a few of the band members among my friends, which is lovely. :)
  • @isashax
    That was a fab chat! Thank you!