Fallout 76 Just Got Something You Want to Get BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE!

Published 2024-07-16
Bethesda is selling one of the best weapons in Fallout 76! The Nuka Launcher was last seen in the game almost 2 years ago during season 11.

#gaming #fallout76 #bethesda

All Comments (21)
  • @RifleGaming
    Bethesda just added one of the best weapons back in Fallout 76 after almost 2 years! Also, I forgot to mention in the video that this weapon has nearly twice the firing speed of the normal automatic grenade launchers, with a fire rate of 30 instead of the normal 16. So it shoots faster than the standard ones! It is incredibly powerful due to the combination of the two shot and crippling effects, while using easy to craft 40mm grenade ammunition.
  • @malikto1
    Another bonus is that it's fire rate is 90% faster than the regular launcher.
  • Best pew for Mutated events when they're "reflective". Splash damage and explos!ves don't reflect
  • @tjmarx
    Cue everyone using the nukalauncher for the next 6-8 weeks and then rarely, if ever, using it again.
  • @pnwajs3532
    I always thought this thing fired Nuka Grenades made with Nuka Cola Quantum. Was shocked to learn it's just a beefed up Grenade Launcher. Still, very nice!
  • Don't forget one thing, it has a hidden 5th star! It's fire rate is like 90% faster than a regular Auto grenade launcher. I believe it's fire rate is 30, and a regular Auto-nade is 18 maybe?
  • @GT-up9jq
    Use Fireproof to reduce explosion damage to ytourself.
  • This is one of the best heavy weapons in the game. You can run all damage perk cards for auto axe and AGL and do great damage on mobs and bosses. It is far more versatile than any low health or VATS builds.
  • Dude, just looked at my stash box and found it there...now I'm gonna use the crap outta this thing, thanks man!
  • I've got this weapon and I got it the first time around - so the fact that I've kept it this long shows how good it is. I do use grenade launchers because I play a heavy PA build and the Nuka Launcher is probably the best one I've owned. The ammunition is heavy to carry and quite resource heavy to make, but the reduced weight helps with that. It takes a bit of skill to use in close quarters though. lol
  • Combine this with a holy flamer build with added demolition expert and gernadier so you got close range as well with vamp for healing.
  • @Daaninator
    nice gun but it costs like 12 euro if you only want that one in the bundle 💀
  • @lookalemb
    Welp, I know my next build, thanks for the quick heads up!!
  • @Ubernerd3000
    The only downside to the NL is that the ammo is super heavy; it worked fantastic during Reflective Mutation events, tho
  • I bought the bundle last night just for the paint skins didn’t even realize it’s another weapon toooooo!!!! THANK YOU FOR POSTING THIS
  • @FoEKringle
    just crafted mine works great but the perk to reduce weight on explosives is a must
  • @zzenigma1
    I use mine on a regular bases. I've had it since it came out. Really nice but beware of close quarters. Lol