After finding lost siblings, An update on my Ancestry DNA and some new family members met!

Publicado 2024-06-04
7 years ago I signed up for ancestry to learn about my roots… and discovered so much more. Now an update and some new family met!

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • I feel just like you. I love having new people in my life. I would have wanted to let everyone know I had a new family member. This was a very good video.
  • @PosiCat
    I was adopted, so I did 23andMe back in 2015, in 2021 I received a message from a half-sister. Turns out that our biological mother had passed away years ago, and she, and 2 other sisters, had been wondering/looking for me since then. They flew up to meet me within a week, including 2 nieces and a nephew ... and it's been positive since then, the who group of them have turned out to be awesome people that I'm so happy to be related to. I almost cried the first time I was called uncle, something I never expected when I thought I was an only child. Now I'm the oldest of four. It's definitely a life changing adventure.
  • 7 years ago!!!! It seems like I've been watching your channel for only a couple of years. But the Potters house is where I first joined your channel. My, how time flies.
  • @KathYoder5256
    My husband's Amish Dad had a daughter we never knew about from his youth. Before he passed, he finally told us about her. We found her 3 weeks after he passed away 8 years ago. She looks more like Dad than the other 7 siblings! We live in northern Indiana and she lives in Tennessee. She is here visiting right now and we can't imagine life without her. She is such a blessing! ❤ Family is so important!
  • @virginia7191
    Even families that grow up together are “complicated “.
  • @Moolarkey
    One of my mom's best friends knew she and her twin sister were adopted as toddlers. In her 60s she decided to see if there were other siblings, she thought there were. Every time I talked to my mom, her friend had found another sibling. 12 kids in all. The parents had kept and raised the older 6 but had put the younger 6, as they were born, up for adoption. 11 lived within 30 miles of each other. 1 lived in another state. The older 6 were old enough to remember their parents taking the younger children to the orphanage and leaving them for adoption. Since then most, including my mom's friend, have passed away but for 10-15 years, they got together regularly at one home or another.
  • I think sharing this on U-Tube helps others who find this type of dynamic. They are not alone.
  • @disneycosmo2168
    Alex, I am so sorry your aunt and Heather’s family treated you and her the way they did, but you are absolutely not responsible for other people’s behavior 💕
  • @joanhale2420
    My husband just found out he has a 53 year old daughter. She is a lovely woman, as well as her family. They have a wonderful relationship, and she has the Dad she never had as a child growing up. The man who raised her thought she was his daughter, and when he found out he wasn't he left. They never told her he wasn't her dad, but she never felt connected to him. I'm happy for my husband and what a great thing Ancestry is as otherwise they would have never found each other.
  • @acadia1899
    Thanks Alex. After listening to you I have to rethink my relationship with my sister and her family. Now in our 70s & 80s time is running out.
  • Thanks to you I was brave enough to contact my siblings I discovered on Ancestry as well. We have met and are now getting acquainted with one another. 2 sisters, 1 brother.
  • Can’t believe it’s been 7 years!! Time has flown since the potter’s house!! Still quality content, Alex!! ❤
  • I have the ancestry dna box in front of me. My daughter got it for me for christmas but I have been too nervous to do it. I know I have an older half brother out there somewhere. I'm going to do this test today. Thanks Alex for giving me the confidence to go ahead. I hope I find him.
  • @amybarb25
    I was adopted and also discovered my bio dad was a very famous jazz guitarist during the swing era. Seems musicians were just as wild back in the day. I had 1 brother and 1 sister (so far). They are both gone now. I was the baby born in 1960. My father was born in Sicily in 1906! So I have a feeling more siblings might pop up. I never in my wildest dreams thought my father would be a musician. I eat and breath music since I was small. And being Italian? Never even considered it. I was adopted by a Jewish family and knew my bio mom was a German war bride. So assumed my father was at least half German but noooo. So proud to be more than 50 per cent Sicilian. I’m so blessed to be able to see videos of my father performing on YouTube . And there’s plenty of newspaper articles about him and interviews. I feel like a real person with a blood family! I’m sure your feelings aren’t like those of an adopted child, but it’s still cool.mCongrats on your new found family member. I remember when you met your sister.
  • @loismarch8343
    The strange thing is that the people who are really not directly involved in it are the ones that cause the most problems. Your aunt is treating you as if it was your fault but it wasn’t. You are not responsible for what your father did. How you accept them and they accept you are the only issue and sounds like that hasn’t been a problem.
  • @HandbagDiva
    I got my son the 23&me, he’s 27. He called me at 7:00am & said he has a half sister. I have 2 children, my son & 30 year old daughter. My ex husband has 2 other children from his second marriage. My son came to visit & broke the news to his father who was in shock. He fathered this child when he was 18 & never knew. It’s crazy the family these sites have brought together.
  • Congratulations on finding your family - don’t allow anyone or anything stop you from finding family and answers
  • You are a very insightful, caring person. After my mom passed away, all my brother wanted was his inheritance. I reached out to him after 7 years and told him I loved him and apologized if I had in any way hurt him. Never heard from him again. Two and a half years later he passed away. I'm thankful I spoke to him. I pray you all get that family dinner.
  • I wish you and your family all the best Alex. Choices were made long before you came along. Thanks for taking us on this journey with you.