July 3rd

Published 2024-07-03

All Comments (21)
  • @mpsmanger4713
    You stated " I want to make a positive change in peoples lives" PERFECT... "you have stories to tell" TELL THEM.... Thank you for posting, a lot of people in your same situation need help, community and guidance. God Bless
  • @jttigera2
    Hey man, your value is inherent to you because you're a person, you're a human being. It sounds like you're in a lot of pain these days and lonely and I hope that subsides soon. Please have some real compassion for yourself. You're beautiful and are on a path to find yourself. Hugs to you
  • @7728abbott
    Everywhere you go, you take yourself (your patterns) with you. But they become easier to see (and correct) with each move. Best of Luck !
  • @holland13100
    Don’t know how this got recommend to me, but I currently feel the same in life. Good luck on your journey.
  • You aren’t alone. Just do the things you have interest in. The activities you don’t get in to just give up and go on to other things. You have plenty of time to find your interests. Modeling is good money but be very careful. There are people in that business are sometimes in it for what they can get out of models they work with. I think you know what I mean.
  • Come to Philadelphia, baby. You can stay with me and I'll help you look for a job.
  • My friend, 1 billion dollars can seem meh if you have nobody to share it with (given that you seem to be dropping your current friend group - though for good reason). Life is about social connection; you don't have anything if you don't have that. A 9 to 5 can seem excellent if you have the girl/guy of your dreams, eventually some cute kids, and a good friend group.
  • @lostgleammedia
    You have massive value, just stop trying too hard, you are so young, chill dude. Save, travel, find your people. There are lots of different ways to live in this world, find a different way somewhere. And get a job in a bar, the grungyer or alternative the better, instant social life. But keep the partying chill so you don't risk your healthYou're on a humongous stone ball travelling at thousands of miles an hour around a million times more humongous impossible black ball, with trillions of humongous balls of pure energy along for the ride. How much more meaning do you want! You've been given this chance to see the story unravel. I'm not sure how much more meaning there could be!
  • @PaulLadd1
    Yes, you do have value. And you may already be making a difference in the lives of other people without realizing it. Don’t be so hard on yourself. Give that sales job you referenced a try. If you like it, fine. If you don’t, look for something else you might enjoy. Keep on praying for guidance, and also for grace for yourself. Most of us have been where you are at some point in our lives. It’s ok, because it’s a part of life. You will get it figured out, and probably before you know it.
  • Do you have a hobby or interest that you might be able to turn into a profitable business? There are a ton of youtube videos on how to start an online business. You’re young, cute, in shape. You have a lot going for you. Just enjoy it because before you know it you’ll be middle aged wishing you had done everything you wanted to do while you were young. Take good risks and chances. Do everything you’ve dreamed of doing. Don’t let anything or anyone, including yourself, hold you back. Talk to a counselor to resolve issues like self doubt, insecurity, or lack of confidence if you think they might be affecting your attitude towards life and are making you feel unmotivated. I wish you the best on your journey!
  • @user-ix4wn1th5m
    Hi 👋 Do what you feel is right for you. Sometimes we can let others influence us , and let them control. Never hand your life over to anyone. Never be a people pleaser either. Get toxic people out of your life , by not associating with them. The main thing is to respect yourself.