Debunking Success: Alcohol, Laziness & Social Media Addiction Isn't Holding You Back | Alex Hormozi

Publicado 2023-09-05
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If you’ve been frustrated and pissed with yourself about not reaching your goals and you’re wasting time uncertain about your next move and what you should be doing, then pay attention, this episode is for you.

Alex Hormozi has been going viral with incredibly valuable content about turning $1000 to $100 million, how to grow a massive following and of course how to grow and scale your business bigger than you thought was possible with his insane work ethic.

In today’s episode, we talk about Alex’s prescription for traits and behaviors that lead to success and things in life you actually want, and why drugs, porn, and all of your bad habits combined are bullsh*t excuses.

Hormozi has a way of taking the complicated ideas that crowd and pollute the personal growth space, stripping away the fluff and B.S. and making these ideas super easy to do and personalize. This conversation is about finding what is effective and what works.

Identify your destructive habits and turn them into success-producing behaviors that are repetitive and ultimately become the expert you can follow and listen to.

“Experts are not more disciplined than you, they’ve just found more ways to win.” -Alex Hormozi

A few key Hormozi insights that will change your life today:

Your 3 hour morning routine may be killing your chances for success
Stack pennines on the evidence that grows your belief and chances to win
Rewarding the right behaviors may be more effective than punishing the bad ones
- Unlock the Hormozi super power of defining terms and operationalizing them
-The gap between knowing business secrets and success is in the number of repetitions
- 3 steps every beginner needs to get their business started
- 4 things you’ll need to know to make your first dollar

By the end of this episode, anyone serious about winning and achieving their biggest dreams should understand that the only thing that absolutely matters is if you are doing the things that yield the results you are after or not.

Make sure you check out Alex’s latest book, $100M Leads:…


“If you can control every one of the variables, externally to an organism, you can control it’s behavior.”

“Living for the future version of yourself and letting that person be your ultimate judge.”

“No one is afraid of failing. People are afraid of other people’s judgment about their failure.”

“You can drink and do drugs and watch porn, if you still do the sh*t, that’s all that matters.”

“I try to have as few rules as possible to give myself as much latitude to live my life.”

“Use emotions to fuel the behaviors that you want.”

“There’s a stimulus and there’s a response. What happens in the box inside your head does not matter. If you respond, you have learned, and if you continue to see the same stimulus and you don’t respond the way you want to, you have not learned.”

“Experts are not more disciplined than you, they’ve just found more ways to win.”

“Values are skills because you can train them.”

“Just because it's harder to measure doesn’t make it less important.”

“I don’t think any business I’ve had has had a business plan, it’s just what are we going to sell and how are we going to get customers.”

“The big fallacy is that the first is going to be the forever business, which it won’t. Many entrepreneurs have many businesses over the course of their career, and in each business you learn elements that help you build a bigger and better business next time.”

“Most people have to keep getting slapped until they realize that nothing is going to be easy and they have to keep going through the period of not knowing what they are doing, that is in essence what entrepreneurship feels like.”

“The opportunity is in the uncertainty.”

Follow Alex Hormozi:

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @TomBilyeu
    WARNING: I will never ask for your contact info in the comments section, that is someone impersonating me!
  • "You can't give yourself more willpower...But you CAN make the GOOD decisions more convenient...and the BAD ones less convenient." That's a good one.
  • @ambition112
    1:03: 🗒 Alex Hormozi discusses the importance of controlling variables, changing environments, and building self-esteem based on traits like delaying gratification, having a vision, and having drive. 15:49: 🧠 People have a hard time holding sophisticated ideas in their head, but it is possible to develop confidence through evidence-based behaviors. 26:00: 💡 Success has physics and if you're not trying to do something that violates physics then you're going to be fine, and how you get there is somewhat irrelevant. 37:29: 🔑 Emotions are subjective reactions to perception, and by understanding this, we can take control of our emotions and make different choices that move us towards our goals. 50:35: 🔑 The key to behavior change is understanding the rewards and punishments that drive our actions. 1:03:09: 💡 Rewarding behavior is more effective in the long term, while punishment can change behavior in the short term. 1:15:23: 🔑 The key to changing behavior and achieving desired outcomes is understanding and modifying one's frame of reference. 1:28:14: 📚 The ability to break down complex problems into actionable steps is crucial for success. 1:40:47: 📈 The process of testing and refining a business strategy involves breaking down failures into smaller steps and focusing on measurable behaviors. 2:03:36: 💡 Leverage is the difference between what you put in and what you get out, and it can be achieved through skills, collaboration, capital, and content. 2:05:26: 📈 The key to leverage in business is to maximize the number of potential units sold and the gross profit per unit, while considering competitive dynamics and upfront capital investments. 2:17:33: 📚 Russell Brunson demonstrated the concept of his books through exceptional offers, achieving record-breaking success in online marketing. 2:29:20: 📚 The author explains how he used various methods to advertise and generate leads for his book launch, emphasizing the importance of building a strong brand and making and keeping promises. 2:47:49: 💼 Businesses solve problems and make the world better, and entrepreneurship is the way to solve as many problems as possible. 2:53:56: ✨ The concept of 'one of zero' is about defining your own path, keeping promises, and earning your own approval. Rec
  • @user-ny5xe2hx7t
    All you need is pure intention and a bit of practice. The more you focus on what you want to manifest, the more likely it is to happen. Keep your mind open and be willing to receive whatever it is you’ve been dreaming of and it’s possible if you believe in yourself!! Thanks for the words..
  • Awesome intrview! I loved this talk. Here's what resonated with me: 1. The number one problem is that no one takes action. 2. Building an identity around hard work is something to strive for, instead of building an identity around beauty or intelligence. 3. Being able to delay gratification. 4. Map out what you want to do. 5. Consistency is key, and you need evidence of your consistency. 6. What can I do to make this day worse? 7. If you act positive and think negative, you can still succeed, but if you think positive and act negative, you won't move forward. 8. Tom has rules in his life; for example, you don't drink two times a week. 9. Alex doesn't have rules; he's only interested in what works. He says that since morning routines are so different for every person, this means that they don't really have that much of an impact. If you do the things that are important for your business, you can also drink, watch adult content, eat sweets, and so on. You need to focus on the formula that will move your business forward and decide how you'd like to live your life. But the way you live your life is not that important to your business. The only thing important to your business is whether you work or not. 10. If you don't have patience, you need to figure out what to do in the meantime. 11. Sadness is the perceived lack of options, which is an ignorance problem and can be fixed with more knowledge. 12. Anxiety is having too many options and not knowing which one to choose, which means that you need priorities and need to make decisions. 13. Are you going to play the victim, or are you going to play the game? 14. Alex thinks that values are skills that can be trained. Tom does not share the same opinion; he thinks that emotions are an echo of a person's beliefs and values. 15. How Alex knows when the work is done: He asks a person to edit a 30-second clip for 30 minutes, after that asks the person what they would do if they had 2 hours, after that 2 weeks, and once there isn't anything more that can be done, then the work is finished. 16. The rate at which you decide what the next most meaningful step for your business or life is a sign of intelligence. 17. Being predictable in a good way and delivering when you promised that you're going to deliver will be liked by everyone.
  • “You solve sadness through knowledge, you solve anxiety by actions.” Incredible.
  • Being fat, high as a kite and naive has cost me millions of dollars these past 2 decades. I was the pioneer of the discount plus size industry, and I’ve been in affiliate marketing since the infomercial days. I worked for Dean Graziosi as well. I should have been a multi millionaire by now, but I didn’t have the mental clarity and since I was fat, I stuck with telemarketing instead of being in the spotlight on social media. Now I’m down 129 pounds & I have 40 more to go PLUS I’m sober. Tom, I will be on your show in the next three years. I’m confident of that and LISA’s show too! I love what the two of you are doing to bring us such a great content.
  • @tomw485
    I’ve learned that one of the most important aspects towards getting things done is momentum. At first you kind of just have to force yourself to do what you think is right. This is the hardest step. It hurts, it sucks, it’s boring, and it’s stressful at the beginning. However once you start doing things right consistently and seeing some small wins you get a little bit of wind at your back that propels you forward. You’ve started to build towards something that will crumble if you stop. So you get an internal drive that pushes you to keep going, keep building and keep getting better because you know that once you stop all the work you already did will be for nothing. Then you get to a point where sitting around is actually far more emotionally taxing and stressful than it is to simply get the work done. That’s the momentum you need to achieve big things. The most basic example is working out. You consistently hit the gym and build a lot of strength and endurance you never had. You clean up your diet and you look and feel better than you ever have. At this point a healthy active lifestyle becomes a part of who you are and despite the temporary pain of taxing g your body through strenuous exercise you’re now more at peace with yourself through healthy dietary choices and working out than relaxing and eating tasty junk food. The thought of sitting on your couch eating potato chips at this point literally upsets you and adds stress because you realize how destructive this behavior is to your body and how much work you need to do to heal from that. The same principle applies to accomplishing things in work, business, and the quality of your relationships. Good healthy decisions literally become an addiction. Ultimately you end up really liking and respecting yourself. You know how they say respect is earned? Well that applies to self respect too. But the beginning is the hardest. You have to force yourself to do it initially. You have to suffer a bit. But the rewards of a life well lived are immeasurable.
  • @matiasdubs
    This is 3 SOLID HOURS of smack-you-in-the-face lessons. Alex Hormozi's own "meditations". Can't say "thank you" enough to both of you!!! You are today's prophets and role models.
  • @MoonTrading611
    I'm going to replay this podcast dozens of times. This is pure gold, and both perspectives of Tom and Alex just compare and contrast beautifully!
  • I like how Alex makes things approachable and actionable but I like that Tom goes to the abstract and reasons behind actions because that’s what makes us human and not robots
  • @RyanGetLow
    Alex's simplistic way of viewing things is so refreshing to me. I align with his mindset very much. I always thought I had to change more about myself to align more with others, like Tom, for instance. Not that one is right or wrong, but which (amongst other mindsets and views, not just these two) is right for me. Or, perhaps, it's just owning my own mindset. Thank you, gentlemen, for all that you do. This is the stimulating conversation and knowledge that people and the world need.
  • Perfect example of a Stoic and an Overthinker (dives deeper in their thoughts) having a conversation.
  • @shelleyshell475
    It all boils down to "FEAR"!! When we strip away the layers... you're left with FEAR!! Stand up to the fear. Positive affirmations allow us to speak it into existence!!
  • @YoungWhite01
    I needed this video. Tons of people have told me that I needed to have a jovial attitude and demeanor while doing the work needed to grow my business to see results; that working without having a happy personality all the time was the reason I wasn’t seeing the results i I wanted. I told everyone that I won’t always be happy but I can always choose to do the work despite how I felt and I was instructed that that wasn’t enough. It’s good to know that I think similarly along the lines of Hormozi on this topic.
  • @KingBurger404
    I like that Tom doesn’t just agree with everything his guests say, for the sake of “being polite”
  • @skbgyal
    I’m so happy I found this video. It just changed my life. Tom for 30 years I’ve been stuck on a hamster shell of thoughts and feelings lost and going nowhere. And as soon as your guest opened his mouth I understood what I needed to do and shed. Thank you both! This was powerful.
  • @mcginnnavraj4201
    I feel investors should focus on under-the-radar stocks, especially given the present rollercoaster nature of the stock market, because 35% of my $270k portfolio consists of plunging stocks that were once respected, and I'm at a loss for what to do now.
  • @GPTeacherReis
    Thank you I.T. for bringing valuable context to several of my favorite quotes: “To know and not do is to not know” & “Every class is a language class”
  • @jeremybond2
    This man is the first person I have ever heard speak of the idea of having undefined words. Please for the love of god, make a list of words that make you angry, sad, lonely or any negative emotion and please for your own sake, figure out why and change it. That is the cure to all the strange behaviours that can hold us back when we know we should do something differently.