Evelyn Deavor: The Stupid Villain

It's stupid of me to make so many videos revolving around the same thing yet, things we hate make the most noise anyway.

コメント (21)
  • honestly screenslaver would’ve probably been a better villain on his own without Evelyn’s involvement.
  • This whole movie is an insult to the original. It's redundant and pointless. For pete's sake, the whole villain plot failed because of Evelyn's monologue. The very cliché the original was mocking.
  • Evelyn Deaver=Evil endeavor Evelyn=A villain This may be the worst twist villain of all time.
  • @Sjono
    Evelyn’s plan sounds as ridiculous as trying to get rid of firefighters because fire extinguishers exist
  • While the ScreenSlaver did made a valid point that everyone in the Incredibles World kept relying on Supers instead of themselves, he would’ve been a better villain if not revealing the plot twist of Evelyn.
  • I would have honestly preferred if The Incredibles 2 just hadn't happened at all.
  • The more time goes on, the more I’ve grown to loath Incredibles 2. I saw the original in theaters, it’s still one of my favorite movies of all time. I remember the 14 year build up and hype for a sequel.
  • Syndrome would laugh at her backstory. Say what you want about the guy at least his backstory make sense.
  • Yeah, while I didn’t hate this movie, it was a clear step down from the original and the villain shows that (though to be fair, no one can surpass Syndrome)
  • there is no Incredibles 2 in Ba Sing Se
  • I liked her as a villain, but the prejudice against heroes needed more fleshing out, not just brief discussions and flashbacks. I didn't feel like they were threatened like the X-Men.
  • "I hate heroes instead of villains because of.. Reasons!!" Literally, she could have been a way more interesting villain if she was a vigilante, going on a killer route killing EVERY cryminal
  • I think the movie could have been fixed if it were that Evelyn wanted to 'control' Supers rather than what we got. That she wanted them legal so that they could operate under her control with at best minimum legal interference but have a veritable army of super-powered bodyguards for her and her brother that she could summon in an instant. Effectively doubling down on what her canon self thought was her father's mistake and making her a more extreme version of her brother.
  • @zeospark9715
    Syndrome: I wanted to get rid heroes because my idol turned me down! Evelyn: I wanted to get rid of heroes because they wouldn't help my dad during a home invasion in the middle of the night with no way of them knowing about it!
  • Honestly I wish more people would take off the Rose Colored glasses. Incredibles 2 was a terrible sequel, with poor writing and an immensely underwhelming story. I remember coming out of that movie Opening night feeling absolutely nothing. The film also seems really obsessed with emasculating Bob. The action and animation were great and those were the only positives.
  • @Mario_432
    Ngl I thought the twist was going to be that the Screen Slaver was a villain manufactured by Winston and Evelyn to give Elastigirl someone to fight and improve her public image
  • You should do a Jack Jack video next. The youngest member of the Parr family has more potential than Dash and Violet since has 17 powers. While it is exciting to see what he can do when he gets older, but what if your loved one decent to evil without being challenged and disciplined? And what if there is a dimension where the heroes sees themselves as their own worst enemies? I think having a grown up Jack Jack would be a perfect villain for Incredibles 3.
  • I think they gave the Underminer was given his own game, so he did have his time to shine. Also, thinking back on it, Evelyn Deavor (Evil Endeavor) seems more on the nose than Syndrome (Hero Syndrome).
  • Evelyn is basically just a pixar karen lol I wouldve prefered the screen slaver to be an actual villain or the underminer and the screenslaver working together