Avoid Central Asia’s most CORRUPT train!

Published 2023-11-15
This journey was something I wasn't expecting! I took a train from Kazakhstan to Kyrgyzstan, with an old and outdated interior. But things got worse, as the staff asked me for something that I've never been asked for on a train before... 😳


Journey Details:
Origin: Astana-Nurly Zhol
Destination: Bishkek-2
Company: Kyrgyz Temir Joly (KJD)
Train: Various + Ammendorf
Accommodation: Kupe Sleeping Carriage (C4)
Distance: 1286 kilometres / 799 miles
Price: 157,244₸ (£271.90 / €317.30 / $346.90)
Time: 25 hours 28 minutes, arrived 84 minutes late


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All Comments (21)
  • @SuperalbsTravels
    What would you do in this situation? Let me know in the replies! 😁
  • @efimovx
    Kyrgyzstan Railways didn’t disappoint. They tried to receive a bribe from my grandmother a few years ago for an “overweight” luggage, without even trying to weight it 🤦🏻‍♂️
  • @michaelbauer8778
    „Being delayed for hours“ while showing German ICE, is the greatest of the greatest.
  • @Matticitt
    The juxtaposition of the ultra-modern station looking like an airport, elevated rail coming out of it, burger king and escalators with the ancient Kyrgyz train which looks like it's been on fire at one point is truly something else.
  • @andrewinnj
    One of my favorite things about English people is how good they are at describing horrible things in a completely straightforward and seemingly unaffected manner. Thanks for taking this journey so I know not to! 😅
  • @praevasc4299
    It's like the classical joke from the Soviet era, the Trans-siberian express stops in the dead of the night in the middle of nowhere, and just stands there, and just stands there. Time passes, there is some movement outside, and one passenger shouts out the window: "why are we waiting?" A voice from outside: "We're changing the locomotive!" "What for?" "For vodka!"
  • @NerdX151
    Reminds of the Copenhagen-Berlin sleeper in 1988. It had 4 carriages. The 4th carriage went to Moscow and was always "fully booked", because the compartments were used to store all the TV's and washing machines that the embassy workers were sending home to their families in Russia. My dad and I had booked a compartment in the old german MITROPA sleeping car for Berlin. At the border, the East German police wanted an extra "entrance fee" and got annoyed when my dad handed them some Ostmark, because local currency was considered useless. They only wanted dollars. We ended up giving them a bottle of wine and a watch that they could sell, and we were allowed to continue to Berlin.
  • @kevanhubbard9673
    That attendant was probably annoyed with you booking all the bearths as he probably planned unofficial rents to passengers along the way.I have had the odd similar experience in eastern Europe but not that common.Unfortunatly there are crooks in every walk of life.
  • @antonnurwald5700
    I spent a semester in Romania, but that was twenty years ago. Back then they were always very helpful in pointing out when they wanted a bribe. Once i rode a night train to Bucharest and the conductor actually offered me a cabin for myself for a bribe. I took that offer immediately.
  • @plonss
    The "good" old times ... In Romania in the early 1990s staff sometimes also charged bribes ... In Europe this is now impossible. Has something to do with poverty I guess and the idea that foreigners are rich. My worst experience on a train was again in Romania in that period. As I refused to pay a bribe to customs officials they called the police to take me off the train. Eventually they were satisfied with German marks and coins I threw at their feet. The train had 30 min delay because of this incident. Recently I was in Romania again, it so much changed and was so agreeable, at last these bad memories were effaced.
  • @randomactpg57
    That downstairs area at the station looks like a parking lot they decided they could make more money renting to the dealership.
  • @LetsMakeaTrip
    ‘*correct at time of bribing’ loved that 😂 Pretty shocking though, certainly puts me off doing something similar.
  • @Nick-Rivers
    I had a similar experience several years ago on that same train, however I was forewarned of the bribes and had a sneaky plan. I googled the general managers name of KTZ and wrote it down. When the train journey had begun I too was approached and asked to furnish extra cash to secure my cabin. I asked the 'briber' to write his name for me which he only gave me his first name, I then pretended to call on my phone and asked to be put through to Mr (what ever his name was) and pretended I was on hold. When I did this the 'briber' said nothing, so I thought my plan was foiled but another comrade of his whispered in his ear & then he frantically began saying NO NO NO and waving his arms about. NO MONEY NO MONEY he repeated. I was not bothered for the rest of the train journey.
  • @JamesTrifolium
    That station in Kazakhstan looks like someone's school project that's labeled as "Modern infrastructure."
  • @marsillinkow
    3rd class really brings me back to my time in Russia. Travelled the entire Trans-siberian railway in 3rd class in 2022 and only managed to ride coupe for shorter trips due to their lower cost. They all DID have airconditioning though
  • @wouterpaap9343
    "What's the worst thing that's happened to you on a train?" Nightjet train Munich-Venice, that didn't go, missing the ferry connection to Greece and thus forcing me to travel alternatively, via Vienna and from there by airplane. Instead of passing through Austria sleeping, I had forced stays in Salzburg and Vienna, discovering how nice Austrians actualy are. That was a nice touch.
  • @Tom-Lahaye
    1 hour for the train to be rescued is not bad at all. In a small country like the Netherlands it often takes longer, due to the fact that there are almost no standby locomotives anymore at stations and almost all trains are EMU with different couplers than the locomotives have. Strangest thing I had on a train was in Zimbabwe, we left Rutenga station on the Way to Bulawayo, after half an hour and well over 35 km away from Rutenga the train stopped and reversed all the way back to Rutenga! Turned out that a freight train was underway at this single track line which didn't fit in the passing loop where we normally would have crossing it.
  • I mean I admire your dedication to giving an impartial review. If id been asked for a bribe and had to haggle? I'd have just made this whole video an unmitigated take down of the people who tried to screw me. I appreciate your dispassionate, even handed approach. A pretty poor journey - but you are still more than willing to point out the good or enjoyable where it exists. Credit to you.
  • @ChrisH-1952
    Another chance to enjoy an unpleasant journey vicariously 😄. As usual, a really well presented video with a great commentary.