Richard Taylor: Angry Schizo Pirate

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He's a bit nuts, kinda whack, a real silly billy.

Modern sources:
Black Barty: Bartholomew Roberts and his pirate crew, 1718-1723 - Aubrey Burl
Captain La Buse: The Golden Age of Piracy - Jacques Gasser
Dictionary of Pirate Biography - Baylus Brooks
King Charles XII of Sweden and the Jacobite Pirates of Madagascar - Rikard Drakenlordh
Pirates in their own words - E.T Fox
Sailing East: West Indian Pirates in Madagascar - Baylus C. Brooks
The Pirate Wars - Peter Earl…

Period sources:
A new account - William Snelgrave
Jacob de Bucquoy: Pirates of Madagascar at Rio Delagoa - Jacob de Bucquoy, transl. by Baylus C. Brooks

Musical credits:
The Witches' Dance - Jon Sayles of

Image credits:
Guns of Portobelo by Tedder, CC BY 3.0,
Levasseur's pirate flags by mageillus
Cocklyn's pirate flags by unknowntrooper

0:00 The firemen
3:26 Beginnings
12:33 Captaincy
15:03 The battle of Juana Bay
21:40 The Indian Ocean
26:04 The Nossa Senhora do Cabo
31:28 Jacob de Bucquoy
37:23 Division
40:06 Seeking pardons

コメント (21)
  • 'Rouse yourself lass Gold and Gunpowder brought us a new tavern yarn!
  • Raise too and look lively lads! Captain brings us tales from the seas far away!!
  • @alexrexaros9837
    If I had a nickel for every time Taylor has a schizo episode, I'd end up richer than Every himself!
  • Exasperate means to intensely frustrate or irritate. Exacerbate means to make something bad worse.
  • enjoyed the episode very much. at 73 my days under sail are pretty much done. lived aboard boats most my days.
  • Very good new designs here! I like the new visual look of the channel, very fancy and professional. I like the video and the pirate history here. Cheers! 🏴‍☠
  • after 10min the guitar music becomes a form of Chinese water torture ... ( at 12:55min abandoned ship and swam ashore )
  • He so me fr but instead of being a seafaring pirate, I pirate old movies over the internet.
  • @BlazRa
    Alternative design for a pirate flag , a black flag that says in bone font letters "WE'RE GONNA GETCHA!"