Make Your Renders Unnecessarily Complicated

Download the camera!
How to use it:    • Take Your Own Virtual Photos In Blender  

Or you can try it yourself, at your own risk...
Had this idea 10 years ago, finally got around to it. Took a good couple of months too.
Maybe I'll have to come back in another 10 years in order to properly simulate diffraction and lens flare...

Final "photos":

Music: "The Comeback Kid" and "In Evolution" by Garrett Williamson
From the "Metagame" soundtrack album:…

Character model: "Danny" by Ethan Snell
Free download:…

コメント (21)
  • You’ve blurred the line between ‘why would anyone do this?’ and ‘why hasn’t anyone done this before?‘. Incredible video!
  • @Franatom
    the fact that the "fake real photos" taken with the "fake camera with a real fake camera inside" are displayed in a "fake gallery" is just so meta, my brain just exploded
  • @curtmack
    You stress-tested Blender's rendering code to a degree that I can't imagine has been done before, and it passed. Somewhere, a Blender developer shed a single tear of pride as they watched this video.
  • @clonkex
    It took YouTube 9 months to convince me to watch this video. It was right to keep trying.
  • You're definitely the kind of kid that would deliver an assignment slightly late and the teacher would feel forced to accept it because you went so far beyond the scope of the assignment that you actually expanded mankind's knowledge about that topic with your work.
  • I like how you slowly cast off each automatic tool like it's a limiter to your power level.
  • @T_Armstrong
    Creators take note. THIS is how a tutorial should be. Clear. Concise. Easy to follow along.
  • As a photographer I am sitting here like "Yes. Yes. YES. YEEES. YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEES. YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEES." And I am thoroughly impressed. These are some of the most realistic renders I have seen. Amazing work.
  • @0120shrey
    This could be the photography equivalent of making a CPU in minecraft. This opens up so so many possibilities of modelling hypothetical lenses. Absolutely incredible. Please make a longer tutorial of this
  • @dooterino
    This is horrifyingly accurate, you're even getting the same color cast on underexposed dark scenes that would be expected, and the RGB grain scattering is just about perfect
  • @uuffzz
    This EXACTLY feels like doing anything the first time in Blender.
  • This is genuinly the most amazing set of "renders" I've ever seen, the fact that they don't look photorealistic yet still look more like a real photograph
  • @nswij123
    He just rediscovered photography inside blender! Give this man a medal! And maybe a psych evaluation too. You okay after all of that?
  • @Erindale
    It doesn't matter how long this took to make, this is maybe the most worthwhile thing anyone's ever done in Blender
  • @seck_1
    how much did this man have to learn to make this 5 minute video? that's dedication, big respect. it's also an amazingly well put together 5 minute video, amazing
  • @BoxySonic
    The fact that the program can so realistically mimic real light mechanics that real physics and tools like lenses can be applied to it is crazy
  • This is one of the most fascinating insanely unhinged things I've ever seen someone do in this space. Absolutely incredible. So meta, so artistic, such an incredible display of skill and dedication. I think I've heard of Pixar doing something with a similar idea for their projects but I can't say I've seen anyone actually show it off like this.
  • @maokus
    I remember a few years back looking at cycles and thinking "damn lenses actually work in this? I should make a camera!" Thank you for doing this so that... nobody ever has to do it again....... i think...
  • @hermask815
    A virtual side hug from a virtual grandpa who’s proud of his smart grandson.