The Call - Poetry and Art - Be saved by Jesus before the tribulation.

When Christ poured His Spirit on this broken heap
The beautiful presence of Him made me weep.
He’s real and the truth, a revelation to share,
So hard in a world that’s forgotten to care.
Shop for a car or an exotic vacation,
Without a concern for eternal salvation.
Jesus is God and He’s everything we need,
But they don’t want to know and it makes my heart bleed.

When God took my blindness and granted me sight.,
Revealed was the nature of our spiritual fight.
Forces of darkness control the airwaves,
To steer hearts away from the Master who saves.
Things of this world can’t fill an empty heart,
Longing for something, don’t know where to start.
Alcohol, shopping, a Hollywood show,
But God’s living water makes hearts overflow.

When Christ woke me up, scales fell from my eyes,
The Bible is true and the world’s full of lies.
They trick into medical solutions that harm
With catchy slogans and presenters fake charm.
Mysterious sudden deaths of the young and the fit,
And they know the reason but will never admit.
Our God’s a great healer, He gives rest for the soul,
So turn from this world, let Him make you whole.

When I became the daughter of Jesus our Lord
Learning His word as my spiritual sword,
New understanding of the times and the seasons
The world’s getting darker for biblical reasons
Jesus is coming, I’ve said it before,
And I’ll say it and say it till He closes the door.
All knees will bow when His glory appears
Shaking in reverence and streaming with tears

When Jesus’s truth showed me where I’d gone wrong,
My heart always yearning for Him all along.
But lured by false light of the new age deception
Pagan clap trap and a tarot collection.
The endless mercy and love of our saviour
Saved this lost sheep despite my behavior.
Eternity with God is a free gift for all,
Repent and believe in Him, answer His call.

#jesusiscoming #endtimes #newagetojesus

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