Pronouns: why we should not play along.

For an essay I wrote on this topic see:…

NO - give your own
Maybe - abide by others' requests

1st person - I, me, us, we
2nd person - you, y'all, yours
3rd person - he, she, them, it
3rd person pronouns are how people talk about one person to others. Reputation building. When someone asks us to use sex-mismatched pronouns we are not asked to lie TO them, but ABOUT them and FOR them. If we all have to give our pronouns the lie is softened because we enter a game in which we all pretend we forgot the actual meaning of these labels, therefore those who want to switch pronouns don’t stand out.

Harmless neo-etiquette? NO
1. Undermines self confidence and resilience by asserting that one’s self concept is dependent on external validation. Anti- resilience/pro-fragility. Upholds illusion that “misgendering” or otherwise failing to confirm someone’s illusions is abusive and violent.
That the feeling of not having one’s inner self-concept affirmed should hurt so badly is truly unfortunate  - ask deeper questions. If some individuals are unhappy enough with their secondary sexual characteristics that they engage in a radical form of self-rejection through a spectrum of cosmetic and medical interventions, AND require consistent affirmation… is pretending not to see the world as it is helping them to become healthier and happier or is it merely an act of codependency which enables dysfunction and fosters fragility?       

2 Endorses and encourages narcissistic behavior
Interpersonally exploitative behavior (I am using you as a mirror to reflect the image of myself I wish to see)
Entitlement (you owe it to me to affirm what I say),
Lack of empathy (I don’t care what you really think/feel),
Arrogance (I demand that you bend to my will or I will say you are harming me)

3 Gender Confusion for Kids
Encouraging kids who are uncomfortable with their developing bodies and identities to see their bodies as malleable and to reject their physicality, normalizing a medicalization of puberty.

How to decline when asked?
Say what you think- confrontational
Politeness works:
You can simply decline - I decline to offer pronouns
I have no special requests
Please use what you feel is appropriate

To contact me: I am on twitter @JLeslieElliott
If you wish to contribute to my legal fund, thank you! The fund is at: if you appreciate this ongoing project and would like to support my continued work in this area you can chip in at any of the following (thank you very much!):

コメント (21)
  • @clairabelle23
    May I ask what you would do if you said "I have no special requests" and someone misgendered you ?
  • My brother and I just lost both of our jobs at the same time because we would not give in to the pressure of putting our pronouns in our bios. We stood our ground for truth.
  • Pronouns are the gateway drug to a larger ideology. Our kindness and politeness is weaponized against us.
  • You know, I think "I have no special requests" is honestly the PERFECT way to handle it. Thank you very much for the advice! 🙏
  • @mrswags73
    When asked for my pronouns I say “ I have no special requests “and if they push I tell them I have no desire to dictate your speech. Use whatever pronouns you want for me and if they aren’t correct I promise I will not crumble
  • "I support anyone's right to be who they want to be. My question is: to what extent do I have to participate in your self-image?" ~ Dave Chappelle
  • @swiftmovers3827
    I love it when people use their pronouns in their bios. It helps me weed out people I don't want on my team during the hiring process.
  • I was asked to share my pronouns at a "training" and I declined. I was ostracized and alienated and targeted at work afterwards, but I do not care. It was disturbing and felt like high school all over again with people trying to force some element of conformity onto me. That was my attitude 7 years ago and it is my attitude now.
  • If they control your language, they can control you. You put this so much more thoughtfully than I could.
  • The pronoun thing is the thin wedge of speech control under the disguise of "politeness." And politeness is a choice, not socially enforced. It's a huge, narcissistic burden to place upon other people, and I will never do it for anyone.
  • I recently lost my job of nearly 35years for refusing to go along with this, for the very reasons you so articulately expressed. It is compelled speech and it's always wrong! Thank you.
  • I am 61 and I am genuinely insecure about the pronouns. Last year was the first time I was personally confronting with the problem. I am happy you did this video. You said what I also think, although I wasn’t able to put it in words. Another point: I can imagine people inventing new categories of gender, demanding new pronouns for these categories, complicating the situation even more.
  • What I do is first say, “Are you sure it’s OK. I mean, I don’t want to impose.” Given encouragement, I say, “Thank you for the freedom to finally express my inner self. My pronoun is “His Sublime Majesty.”
  • @pakhlova
    5 minutes after I watched your video my manager in NGO I worked in, informed us that we'll have to name our pronouns in chats O.o And thanks to you I was able to raise my voice and said "no". My NGO provides psychological support to teens and young adults, not only but mainly. And we as psychologists, psychotherapists and other mental health workers in the first message after saying "hi" would have to affirm their delusional view of the world and play along... nah... Crazy. Just crazy. Thank you for your voice though! It's so important and refreshing to hear sanity online 😍🤗
  • “The basic tool for the manipulation of reality is the manipulation of words. If you can control the meaning of words, you can control the people who must use the words” — Philip K. Dick.
  • @honey3762
    When my professor asked for pronouns for the class, most the class didn’t give them. One girl gave her first name and said “shehim” and the professor asked for her last name… HER LAST NAME WAS SHEHIM! I ALMOST DIED LAUGHING! THAT POOR GIRL!
  • I’m a gen x’r and the whole pronoun thing has felt wrong in many ways, but haven’t had it explained so succinctly, until now. Well done.
  • @jlawrence0181
    I always state that my pronouns are "your royal majesty" and request their use. And usually, no one ever asks me again.