The Richard Giesbrecht Incident - The Assassination of President John F. Kennedy

Publicado 2024-06-08
The assassination of John F. Kennedy had a possible Canadian connection in the form of a Winnipeg man's claim that he overheard inside details of the case.

Insurance salesman Richard Giesbrecht was interviewed by the FBI after he told RCMP about a conversation he allegedly heard months after the 35th president of the United States was fatally shot.

On Nov. 22, 1963, Kennedy was slain by an assassin's bullet on a Dallas street. It was the fourth presidential assassination in U.S. history.

About three months later, Giesbrecht claimed he overheard a suspicious conversation between two men in a lounge at the Winnipeg airport.

According to Giesbrecht, the men were discussing inside details of the assassination. One of them appeared to have been wearing false eyebrows, he added.

"I happened to hear these men discussing names like Oswald," he said in a CBC-TV interview in 1968.

Giesbrecht said he noticed a third man was watching him overhearing the conversation and followed him through the airport.

When asked if he believed "something sinister was going on," he replied, "Yes, these men weren't actors preparing a play."

Giesbrecht told the RCMP, and in turn the FBI dispatched an agent to interview him.

He also told a young Winnipeg newspaper reporter named Don Newman, best known these days as a veteran CBC broadcaster.

"Oh, he was absolutely convinced and he was really scared," said Newman, who detailed what he was told in his new memoir, Welcome to the Broadcast.

"To me, this story was the FBI is investigating the Kennedy assassination a couple of months after it happened, and it's happening way up here in cold Winnipeg."

By the time Giesbrecht died in 1990, his story was never fully proven or discredited.

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • the Kennedy Assination is one gigantic rabbit hole.....and that's just the way the US government likes it....
  • @TheListOf
    Wow! I'd forgotten about this man!!! Thanks for sharing!!!
  • its a good thing he did not work at the little rock air port as the atf would have shot him
  • @el_txserpico4501
    You know that the govt is in involved when nothing gets solved
  • Vince Palamara and HelmerReenberg the goats of JFK content and keeping this man's legacy alive.
  • Maybe it's because I'm simply unable to digest another ounce of information on the subject of the Kennedy assassination, but without some further context, I have no idea what this conversation is about or what he overheard.
  • @neatchipops3428
    The dude said literally nothing about anything. Canadians.
  • This is so poignant. Earlier this year I was sitting at a downtown cafe during the early afternoon (it was either a Tuesday or a Wednesday) and I heard an old man quietly discussing some matters with a person who looked like a priest (a vicar). I heard the guy who looked like a priest mention the last rites and last confession. I also heard the old man mention details very similar to what this man (Richard) said during this interview. He'd mentioned all of these names. That same old man I heard passed away last month (according to a next door neighbor). To me, based on what I now think I know, I'm almost sure that this guy must have been right. It's like I was meant to come across this video today.
  • @kjjohnson24
    Thank you so much for uploading all this JFK archival footage! Your videos are invaluable to an amateur JFK assassination researcher like myself.
  • I had Ontario plates on my car while retracing much of JFK life in 1968 ..I got to Dallas late evening and parked @ Dealey Plaza ..Walked the area , read the plaques etc. I was the only person there ..Got back into my 57 Chev but was followed in and around Old Dallas for over an hour ..It was very unusual and the car trailing me tried to hang back just enough to try to be unnoticed ..I went North and up at the edge of Dallas I went into a bar ..Was so relieved to actually be greeted by several good men there ...
  • If anyone knows, I would love to find our how Mr. Richard Giesbrecht died in 1990. The interview was in 1968 and he looked to be in his 40's. He lived 22 years after his fateful interview. He could have been in his mid/late 60's - early 70's when he passed. Trust NO one.
  • @Sean.thegreat
    The Russians came to a conclusion regarding who was responsible. They said Lbj, the vice president
  • I read where Clay Shaw and David Ferri were in a Hotel in Canada and were also over heard talking about the Assassination of JFK in 1964.
  • @RaulMacias-gv3le
    What rarely gets discussed is the fact that Lee Harvey Oswald's aunt, Marguerite Claverie Oswald's sister, Lillian Claverie Murret was married to Charles "Dutz" Murret who was an associate of La Cosa Nostra Capo Dei Capi of New Orleans Carlos Marcello. Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy had Marcello picked up at the Immigration Office and flown to Guatamala and dumped in a jungle in 1961! Marcello's Visa had expired. Marcello had a Guatamalan visa because he had stated that he was a native of Guatamala. He was actually born in Italy. It is rumored that David Ferrie flew his Cessna down to Guatamala to pick up Marcello and fly him back to the United States! This is a definite link between Lee Harvey Oswald and La Cosa Nostra.