It's All So Incredibly Loud | Bluestar AMV (Warriors)

Publicado 2024-07-27
This is no hallucination! Kay9 has posted to her youtube channel! (after 8 months....) PLEASE FORGIVE ME AAAAAAAAAA

Honestly, it's been so long that I literally cannot remember how to write one of these descriptions- I've had alot going on recently, and I'm about to start my first year of university.

Thank you all for remaining so damn patient with me and my terrible upload schedule! I don't know if it will be getting any better any time soon what with me about to start university, but there is a high chance that I'll be opening commissions so stay tuned for those! This YouTube channel means so much to me, and I've been so lucky to be able to post my silly animations about silly violent cats in the wild for people to enjoy. I'm very very proud of this project (despite the errors oops)

I cannot express how much I LOVE this song. It's all so incredibly loud is my all time favourite song from my all time favourite band. And with the new Glass Animals album having just dropped over a week ago, I don't think I could've posted this at a better time. I am beyond thankful for this band's and this song's existence!

This animation depicts the event's in Bluestar's later life, and how her past proceeded to eventually catch up with her mental health. Bluestar is also one of my favourite characters from Warriors. I find her struggles and character arc to be relateable, which in hindsight, probably isn't a good thing. Her descent into her mental breakdown was hauntingly realistic, especially with someone with the trauma she has been through (though renaming Brightpaw to Lostface wasn't cool like wth).
I often headcannon Bluestar as having had dementia in her later life.
Also, I feel like the death of Mosskit is very VERY glossed over in comparison to her having to give up Mistykit and Stonekit to RiverClan, so I wanted to include this as well, specifically towards the beginning and end.
Also fun fact, this animation was very much inspired by Nifty Senpai's "Little Pistol" animatic! Please go check it out it's wonderful.
   • Bluestar's Little Pistol Animatic + P...  

Also sorry for the animation errors!!! They happen and sometimes there's nothing to be done lmao. There's only so much you can do with flipaclip.

I'm so very excited and nervous to post this video. I began this project in May of 2023, during the darkest period of my life. I knew this was something I wanted to finish, no matter what happened to me, and finally, after a year of beginning this project, it is finally finished. I did have to commit to college work around it (which is why it took so long) but here we are! This is a song in which has genuinely really motivated me to keep moving forward, despite all the weird stuff that happened last year, and I wanted to do it justice, and I hope that I've done that. Looking at the progress I have made on myself, I can say that I'm doing so much better than I was doing when I storyboarded this in May 2023. Me and life have a decent relationship now :)

Thank you for reading if you're still here! Lets hope the next upload isn't in 8 months again oops....

It's All So Incredibly Loud - Glass Animals


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Todos los comentarios (21)
  • The part where she drowning and all her kids jump in to save her, even Mosskit almost made me cry😭. That was so beautiful and I can’t imagine how long such a masterpiece must have taken
  • The details of Frostfur comforting Goldenflower is heartwarming 🥹❤️ and the details of Bluestar feelings and when she went to see the starclan after swiftpaw death where the starclan cats were shown,I see the cats she care about,even Rosetail and Goosefeather! And the details of Mosskit showing her mother! So amazing 😭❤️
  • Ouhhh I think one thing I really love about this is how bright and sunny the weather during the day always seems - for characters that lose as much as Bluestar and carry their grief instead of eventually moving past it, that visual reminder that the weather stays nice, the seasons keep changing, the world keeps going even when she's suffering is so physically painful. This is gorgeous. Little things like Mosskit showing Bluestar what she should do next (Bluestar going to starclan to scream at them is perfect also), Frostfur comforting Goldenflower because the original queens were all friends, Blue associating Swiftpaw with Tigerstar, Swift & Bright being very nearly full-grown (which is far more canonically accurate than them being portrayed as kits/young apprentices) ,,,, God
  • THIS WAS SO GOOD!!! So impressive that you made an entire AMV!!!
  • You first vibe that Bluestar is a great mentor figure, and become sad when she became more tragic after Tigerclaw’s betrayal. Yet Fireheart stuck out to help her in the end
  • That was SO AMAZING! The song, the expressions, the details, EVERYTHING! I also LOVED how you made Bluestar's trauma of her daughter's death and how, though Bluestar gave up on StarClan, Mosskit didn't give up on her mother, still guiding her to the right path! SO PERFECT! 💖
  • OH MY GOD. this just turned up in my recommended and oh my god. this is incredible. you clearly put so much effort into this!! the animation and tweening has this amazing natural weight to it and you did it in flipaclip?? amazing. this is so immersive and well made. i'll be honest that last shot made me tear up. this is insanely cool, im inspired by how much you did for this woah like so much work went into every shot. this is FANTASTIC you should be super proud
  • @snowedinokaly
    FINALLY I am so glad I finally have found someone who thinks Bluestar had dementia later on in her life. This is such a haunting video. Bluestar’s life was decided for her, and she was forced to carry a hefty weight on her shoulders. She was meant for greatness, but was that really what she wanted? She’s one of my favorite characters ❤
  • @JustDuckiest
    Wow, that was great. People like to give Bluestar heck for losing her sanity, but she really did go through a lot, and remained strong for most of her life. I really like the part where she runs to talk to StarClan angrily, and then Mosskit appears and points to the clan dealing with the dogs and Bluestar realizes her clan IS loyal
  • THIS IS INCREDIBLLEEEE!!! THE ANIMATIONS THE EXPRESSIONS!!! you can defenitly tell bluestar isn't heartless and cold, just misguided and confused, she lost a lot within a matter of moons/years, and honestly, she IS flawed, and not perfect, she's a very flawed character but she shows COMPASSION and tries her best after redtail, spottedleaf and lionheart died. those were probably cats she grew up with, and they died literally in the same year and then Tigerclaw betrayed her and tried to kill her. there's a lot of LLLOOREEEE in her and i love her (except for the part where she named brightheart lostface I WON'T FORGET ABOUT THIS TO HELL WITH BLUESTAR THAT WAS NOT VERY SLAY, NAMING A CAT AFTER THEIR TRAUMATIC EVENT) , she was the first cat i really wanted to look in to besides fireheart when i started reading the series
  • thisis soo cool i like how bluestar kinda affiliates swiftpaw with tigerstar because of his mentor i think ? also because she doesnt rlly trust anyone. this is so smooth and well done im happy ur back!!
  • This is amazing, really shows her emotions in every frame, the mosskit at the very end putting her paw out to blue star is such a cute detail, this nearly made me cry because it’s so good ❤❤❤
  • I am so overjoyed by all the small details you remembered!! I've always wished for them to be represented more. You showed Goldenflower's anguish at Tigerclaw's betrayal and banishment, and you remembered she was Swiftpaw's mother. You drew Swiftpaw and Brightpaw at their full warrior size, and remembered that Swiftpaw's body was brought back to camp along with Brightpaw. Fireheart's silent lipsync of "STOP!" was amazing, and I loved how poor Bluestar kept having nightmares and her eyes gradually darkened with shadows underneath them throughout the whole AMV. StarClan was full of all of her friends, Clanmates, and family - I think I saw Swiftpaw, Redtail, Brindleface, Oakheart, Moonflower, Snowfur, Sunstar, Goosefeather, and Featherwhisker! I wasn't sure about the two cats sitting next to each other way in the back, but if I had to guess, maybe Patchpelt (or Stormtail?) and Lionheart? Regardless of who they are, even the background cats are beautifully drawn, and it's impressive how you made each cat so easily recognizable. Another small detail I liked was that you really gave the dogs a lot of personality by giving them emotional eyes in certain shots and showing that the second dog was angry about Bluestar killing their friend. It made them feel like multi-dimensional characters instead of monsters, and I really like that, because when you think about it, those dogs were chained up by Twolegs for probably their whole lives and were probably starving after their escape. I think it's unlikely that they were trained or shown love like real pets, and then Tigerstar basically manipulated them by feeding them cats. It really is just unfortunate that their Twolegs didn't take better care of them. Their pack mates were their only friends and killing was all they knew. I also noticed Ashpaw and Sandstorm helping Fireheart lure the dog pack, which was a really cool addition. I think a lot of people forget that Ashpaw and Sandstorm were there! I also loved how much you chose to involve Mosskit, which isn't something I see often. Mosskit reminding Bluestar that her Clan needs her and then kindly extending a paw to invite their mother to StarClan made me tear up. It hurts so good lol. Finally, I'll say that the song choice was a perfect match for your beautifully smooth animation. This is one of my favorite songs and I love Glass Animals. Also a big fan of choosing slow songs for high-action scenes, it creates a really impactful disassociative effect. Each time there's a lipsync, there's a thrilling feeling from how momentous you made it feel. Truly fantastic work, it made my week to see another stunning animation from you - they never cease to impress me. Thank you for sharing this beautiful AMV!
  • I honestly love how you included moments everyone forgets, such as when Fireheart tells Stormfur and Mistyfiit that Bluestar is their mother. Amazing map, honestly, the best I've seen in ages
  • @Klevushka
    Four minutes of art that was worth it. The Bluestar is a character that I felt sorry for. She made a lot of mistakes, but she was always understandable. She sacrificed so that others wouldn't have to.
  • This actually made me incredibly emotional. The way you portrayed Bluestar is AMAZING, I've always absolutely loved her and this has reminded me exactly why.
  • @Edduksch
    I love Bluestar so much. I can't hate her 😞 The part where Mosskit extends her paw to Bluestar made me cry so hard-
  • Oh GOD I knew this was going to be good as soon as I seen the thumbnail
  • THIS AMV IS AMAZING! It truly shows how much work you put into it, the scenes are so well thought! And I adore Mosskit reaching her paw in for bluestar <3