How to Make Your Own VPN (And Why You Would Want to)

Publicado 2020-06-08
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OpenVPN road warrior installer by Nyr:

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00:00 Introduction
01:28 Everything wrong with the VPN services
05:50 What are the alternatives?
07:39 VPN services vs. Self-hosted VPNs
08:58 Choosing a VPS provider
10:43 My choice of the VPS provider
11:25 Creating an account (The tutorial starts here)
11:45 Creating a VPS
12:37 Generating SSH keys
13:46 Updating the packages
14:07 Creating a non-root user
15:04 Configuring SSH
17:14 Installing and configuring OpenVPN
20:50 Installing mosh
21:14 Two-factor authentication
23:53 Automatic updates
25:11 Conclusion

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @WolfgangsChannel
    The guide starts at 11:25 TIMESTAMPS 00:00​ Introduction 01:28​ Everything wrong with the VPN services 05:50​ What are the alternatives? 07:39​ VPN services vs. Self-hosted VPNs 08:58​ Choosing a VPS provider 10:43​ My choice of the VPS provider 11:25​ Creating an account (The tutorial starts here) 11:45​ Creating a VPS 12:37​ Generating SSH keys 13:46​ Updating the packages 14:07​ Creating a non-root user 15:04​ Configuring SSH 17:14​ Installing and configuring OpenVPN 20:50​ Installing mosh 21:14​ Two-factor authentication 23:53​ Automatic updates 25:11​ Conclusion
  • Exactly, no matter what a VPN provider says, you have to trust them when it comes to storing and sharing your logs. If they can profit or have to protect themselves, they with share them with other companies.
  • @kevinm8865
    I love that you posted the timestamps. Makes this video so much more useful! Thanks!! I "liked" the video.
  • Been doing it on my own for quite a while now, but with your hints I just took it to a new level of customization. Great video!
  • @Tim4Tat
    15:48 "I personally prefer to use the port 69." I see you are a man of culture
  • @jessicantina
    All the YouTube ads being for VPN services is hilarious. Nice video!
  • @Zmonbie
    Wolfgang, your content is phenomenal. Thank you for your generosity. I hope I can find the cash to donate to your channel soon because you've pieced together some concepts that I understood only in the abstract. Thank you.
  • @SB-qu6ge
    Thank you for the in-depth explanation, prior to even starting the setup tut. No unexpected surprises halfway through the process. This is a refreshing compared to many various installation/setup tuts I have reviewed in the past. I have subscribed. Thanks again!
  • @wajinshu
    Hey, thank you for this. I saw this on google but no one makes a tutorial. Glad I saw this today on my recommendation. Gonna finish this tutorial and will sign up with your link. Thanks again
  • @Naeidea
    "I know you guys are lazy and are not going to do that" - Fuck I really DO need a VPN he knows me too well.
  • @pexeixv
    I once followed a tutorial to install AnsibleVPN and although the install process was so long, I was never able to get it to work. Your video on the other hand, is straight to the point. I followed the video from 17:16 to 20:51 and was able to get OpenVPN working on my EC2 instance in less than 10 minutes. Thanks a ton!
  • @fabrice9848
    Thanks for sharing such an interesting content for free and with so much clarity. You deserve a lot more subscribers than people sharing their gaming sessions...
  • @1DiscipleDragon
    i really appreciate the amount of effort you put into making this tutorial and showing how serious you are about privacy
  • Hello Wolfgang, I want you to know that i appreciate your in depth knowledge and have deep respect for you that you take the time to share the results of the hard work that you do in order to educate the MANY MANY people that simply have NO CLUE! Thank you. Mike S.
  • This video actually had some very useful info aside from the VPN FUD at the beginning. I'm very thankful for pointing me to an alternative VPS provider that can do terraform and ansible so I don't have to constantly suck on AWS' teat.
  • @sonhoang2392
    You've actually got so quality stuff on your channel. Keep that up man!
  • @lchoisf
    Hi Wolfgang, Thank you for sharing this information. Assuming that everything you've said is true, both the loss of privacy and not knowing who to trust is a bigger issue that most of us realize.
  • @ryanthetide
    Personally I love the movement for personally owned data like your privacy and files. As an enthusiast with multiple industry grade certifications behind me ranging from general certifications in cyber-security & general networking to Cisco university grade diplomas. I don’t care about my own privacy (I know controversial opinion for my field..) however I stand behind this video in more ways then one, he outlines the benefits to self-hosting your own VPN perfectly. The reason I use VPN’s is to allow much better security within my networks for the company I run. By only allowing OpenVPN’s port past our network firewalls and then encrypting all user profiles substantially it allows me and our employees to access and be on these networks remotely without fear of multiple ports/applications vulnerabilities. Awesome video, love your other content too!
  • @x32gx
    Excellent video! Finally someone who explains this thoroughly and also shows how to improve everything. Thank you! I'm gonna give it a try. I just want to also mention that in Linode's Master Services Agreement and in their Privacy Policy they state that personal data (including network logs) are all maintained on their servers and may be presented to law enforcement if there is a court order etc. These will be used in case of suspicious criminal activities. So unless I'm reading this wrong, they do state that information is kept on their servers. So don't go and try something bad now ;)