Most HARMFUL Foods People Keep EATING

Published 2021-09-23

All Comments (21)
  • @RatKindler
    I worked in a neuroscience lab for a while in university and one time the doctor showed me the lobster muscle he was dissecting under a microscope. It was packed with millions of parasite worms. He said, that's why you should cook your seafood well. I've never forgotten that image.
  • @varyokh
    "you are what you eat" well this explains why society is so TOXIC xD
  • Well, this did change my mind about sushi (which I love) and eggs (which I used to drink raw). But the danger of slicing bagels does not belong here! It has nothing to do with the product. Kitchen accidents happen every day -- cuts, burns, whatever -- it's just common sense to be more careful!
  • @mrkkg27
    After watching this I was tempted to only consume water, sit in the sun and pray for photosynthesis until I realized you no doubt have something to say about water quality, sun exposure and the affects sitting has on the body. Note to self never invite this guy to a dinner party.
  • @sbboy805
    Coming from a mexican family, we have always left the rice out after cooking. The rice fact kinda blew me away because we have not gotten sick or anything. Pretty mind blowing for me.
  • This was very depressing for us that try very hard to eat healthy.😢 Noow can you please do a video on what foods are safe to eat? It will probably be a very short video.
  • @iamgabriel5823
    I had a friend who LOVED sushi. She simply could not be convinced that there were any health hazards. Well, she died from parasites that infected her brain. She was only in her forties.
  • @lynnbrown2409
    Geeze, pretty soon the only thing I'll be able to eat is cardboard!
  • @hhale5652
    Sashimi , raw fish in Japan is always eaten with a green Shiso leaf. It’s kind of like a fresh mint leaf. It’s an anti parasitic. Wasabi is used in sushi because it’s an anti parasitic. That is why those two items are very important when eating raw fish. You have probably eaten, ingested millions of parasites and did not know it. Cooked meats just means cooked parasites.
  • @brendabrown7130
    Yes it has surely made me rethink about eating a lot of the foods you mentioned. Thanks.
  • @KerriTeknomonk
    I learned about the rice thing the hard way! Bad food poisoning! Yes, since then, I always put cooked food in the fridge right away!
  • @armel2467
    As an asian, the rice part surprised me. We've been eating it our whole lives, even cooking more than we can eat for dinner to make egg fried rice for breakfast the next day. 😂
  • Hmm🤔 a few more items I'll take out of my diet! I have this thing about anything that crawls or slithers around, a childhood trauma thingy... thanks for the update!
  • @alimazimmer3819
    Thank you for your video. Years ago in the 1950 and 60's when I was 9 years old through my teen s, my grandmother and great aunt warned me about most of the foods you have mentioned. They also never used food additives and extra preservatives. My meals were home cooked. To this day, in my mid seventies I bring my breakfast and lunch to work. I am very particular where I dine out. Again thank you for your very informative video.
  • @edmartin875
    Well, hell. This explains some of my health problems and tells me I definitely need to reconsider, again, what I eat every day. Too much of what I eat on a regular basis is on your list. I quit booze by the time I entered my 30's 45 years ago, but now drink a lot of soft drinks and fruit juice. It looks like that will have to change too. I've had Congestive Heart Disease since 2002 and Type 2 Diabetes since 2010. In 2013 my heart Dr told me he did not expect me to see 2018. So what he was telling me was that he did not expect me to live 5 more years. I cut back on most of the stuff he said was killing me but from what you just told me, I still need to change even more eating habits.
  • @hakemz.
    Basically 80% of our food are deadly.
  • Informative & hilarious to watch your video - cleverly put together! When I was a child, maybe 7 to 10 years old, growing up in Mexico, my family and I would go to our nearest port and find muscles when the tide went down. I remember the adults would separate the shells open, squeeze lemon, and drops of salsa, and simply suck the animal off the shell, chew some, and be contentedly satisfied. I never did such thing on my own. Gives me the creeps just to think about about it. Thank You!!!