I decided to walk 100,000 steps in one day

Still not sure why I did this lol.

Yes, I CHOSE to walk 100,000 steps from Uppsala Central Station to Stockholm Central Station in Sweden. This is over 70 kilometers (44.6 miles). Google thinks this only takes 16 hours, but I can assure you... it's much longer!

I went through many places Swedish towns and places along the way, including Knivsta, Vrå, Coop, Bergsbrunna, Nyby, Björksta (but not really), Upplands Väsby, Odensala, Rotebro, Märsta, Rosersberg, Sollentuna, Silverdal, Ulriksdals Slott, Hagaparken, Odenplan, and Norrmalm.

I really hope you enjoy the video. Please give it a like if you do!

På svenska:
Ja, jag VALDE att gå 100,000 steg från Uppsala till Stockholm. Det är mer än 70 km eller 44.6 miles.

Extra tag words: 100k steps, 100k step challenge, 100,000 steps challenge, 50,000 steps, 50k steps, swedish, sweden, visiting sweden, sverige, svenska, utmanning, 100000 steg, 100.000 steg, marathon, ultra marathon

コメント (21)
  • It was lots of fun doing this with you and grateful for the conversations and the funny moments! Let's hopefully do another challenge soon! 😊
  • Can't wait for Tyler to make this a punishment. "You laugh, you lose and you have to walk 100k steps in one day." In all seriousness, amazing accomplishment!
  • Nice to see you posting videos again! Looking forward to your upcoming projects :)
  • @msbronoske482
    I think what I love the most is that you didn't give up. You think you did, but you laced up your shoes and started right where you left off... And finished your goal. That's determination. That's grit. That's styrka.
  • What you did was a massive accomplishment! Most people only walk a mile a day or less. Im proud of you!!! Thank you for showing us your country step by aching step 😊
  • I can’t believe how invested I became! Over someone walking in the countryside! 🤭 I was actually disappointed when the video ended….. I wanted more! 😅 You made it fun Meagan! 😁
  • I LOVE the end of this video. It does not matter you could not finish it in one day. YOU WENT BACK!!! That's what matters. YOU DID IT!!!!! Meagan and Fadel, you both ROCK!!!!!
  • My wife and I walked across Bavaria back in 2017. 464 km of fun, joy and pain
  • You missed Mora Stenar where the first Kings where chosen in Sweden in 600AD. Also there are three farms Edebybro that was owned by my family since the 1600ds. Carl von Linné bought land from us in 1730 to build a road to his farms Edeby and Hammarby. Also Danmark is old Scandinavian and means ”low lands”. A thousend years ago the waterway from Gamla Uppsala and Vaxholm was on these nowadays farmfields. My grandfather is portrayed in the ceiling of Danmarks bygdegård.
  • @donadeavera9608
    Over 80k is amazing! Dont beat yourself up over it. You did great! We're all proud of you.
  • @jasonshere
    Very impressive. You did great Meagan; that's definitely not something I could ever see myself doing. - Don't be afraid to show the more difficult and darker parts of your journey and consequences from the tests of endurance your put yourself through.
  • Just had to give you a 'like' for effort. Very well done Meagan. Plus it was very interesting to see the countryside there.
  • Huuuge accomplishment! You managed to walk an ultra marathon, not a feat many could do!
  • Some 20 years ago I walked from Nikkaluokta up to the top of Kebnekaise ( highest mountain in Sweden ) and then back. A little over 60km in mountain terrain and 36 hours awake. With no previous experience really, and hardly any special gear. Humans are capable of incredible things when "forced" to it. Great job and nice to see many places I know. Greetings from Uppsala Sweden.
  • @micke3035
    Tape your feet with Leukoplast tejp (the beige woven one, red and white packaging. 2.5cm wide) on toes, ball and heel, it'll be like a tough extra skin. Also have a few pair of extra socks to change when your feet get moist. Tricks I learnt in the army for long walks, works well.
  • Great to have you back Meagan! Really cool that you chose to begin the journey in my hometown. It made it even more interesting to watch 😊.
  • I walked a number of miles in the cold and wow... the leg lock up. That was nothing compared to your length, so congrats on going THAT far, Megan! ❤