Top 10 Strongest Characters In The TVD Universe#thevampirediaries#theoriginals#legacies#hopemikaelso

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コメント (21)
  • Matt should be number 1 imo… he’s truly immortal and the most durable character ever
  • TVDU confirmed that Hope is the most powerful and the strongest creature, She may not be as of now but imagine her being ancient, being a thousand year old tribrid? She'd be unstoppable.
  • "HONOURABLE MENTIONS Bonnie Bennett (Bennett/Psychic witch)" boi bonnie has almost endless feats allow me to list them: creating a dimension with a full solar system with a scream, resurrected herself without turning into a vampire, moving hellfire, killing cade, channeled her whole bloodline, lifted the veil, resurrected jeremy twice second time with a cost: her death, learned every form/type of magic including expression the most powerful time of magic there is, stopped the heart of the original hybrid i could go on for days but i don't have time for that-
  • where is freya? girl literally casted her aunt dahlias IMMORTALITY spell on 4 of her siblings, created a CHAMBRE DE CHASS (a dream dimension), and performed esthers powerful LINKING spell all at the same time while dying of a deadly POISON. no one has shown more raw power as strong as freya, NO ONE even comes close.
  • Why is quetsiyah so underrated? She created the other side that prevented evil supernatural souls to go in hell for 2000 years even cade could not do anything about it. She created true immortality spell that means silas was only her creation. Technically she was the one whoo created dopplegangers whose blood was necessary ingredient for creating vampires and breaking hybrid curse. She trapped a true immortal in such a spell that required expression magic to break it. She dessicated a true immortal 2 times. She was able to read and erase stefan's memory without psychic powers. She resurrected herself without any celestial event in her ghost form. Anchor swap spell... And above all she created the 'cure ' that would work on even cade the devil . I am not sure but it should also work on gods.
  • you know shit is about to get real when you see klaus and esther in honourable mentions
  • The Hollow far outclassed Dahlia in power for the following reasons: 1. She’d been amassing power since before Dahlia was even born. 500 years head start before Dahlia even existed. 2. She’s the only witch that was more dangerous dead than alive. Like killing her was more problem than solution whereas killing Dahlia was a solution. 3. The Hollow is the only witch who can physically manifest her spirit for anyone to see, when spirits are usually invisible to even witches. 4. Dahlia created a small dimension in a stone but the Hollow also had her own dimension on the physical plane, which I find more impressive. 5. Dahlia used Kenning to use her power through humans but the Hollow could do the same thing and even better because her followers were not compelled by magic but wanted to serve her. 6. The Hollow’s mere presence in New Orleans was literally draining the life out of the City, though slowly. So she automatically channels without trying. There’s no witch in the TVDU with that kinda ability. 7. Inadu’s weather manipulation feats far outclassed Dahlia’s because she used just 1/4 of her total power to make it rain blood, like how’s that even possible? Then she caused it to rain ice, then she caused monsoons and lightning to set fire to a river. She did all of this with just 1/4 of her power, not even being fully conscious, and while disembodied. Dahlia was in her own body and fully present while doing weather manipulation but it was just weather manipulation, extended for days, and she channeled sage soaked in serpent’s blood to do it. While the Hollow just did it without anything but raw innate power. No witch has ever created blood rain in the TVDU history. 8. The Hollow is the one responsible for the plagues in the prophecy of New Orleans. And her magic was causing all of that to happen without her really trying but it was also going to culminate in the deaths of all first borns. New Orleans is massive and would have had hundreds of thousands of first borns. This means Inadu’s magic would have been able to kill all these people at once. That’s beyond anything Dahlia ever showed or did. Dahlia killed a tiny village, Inadu was going to kill an entire massive city of hundreds of thousands of firstborns. 9. When Inadu went into Hope in S5, the combined power of Davina, Vincent, Marcel, Klaus, Elijah, Freya, and all the witches of New Orleans couldn’t do anything to pull her out. 10. Her magic is the only one that seems to be inherently tainted that it begins to contaminate and poison anyone it’s touched and you’d need a spell to remove the corruption. There’s no witch with this magical trait. 11. Dahlia destroyed a village of mortals but teenage Inadu destroyed a village of witches, which is way way way more impressive because witches can fight fires with magic but a whole village couldn’t but were running around helplessly. 12. Inadu’s the only witch who refused to go to the Other Side, Hell or Peace at death due to her spirit being automatically tied to her indestructible bones by default. Dahlia went straight to Peace at death, without her permission. 13. Her core bones, her remains, seemed to be naturally indestructible and not even a village of witches could destroy it. All they could do was separate it into 4 places. Dahlia’s remains turned into ashes at death. 14. Dahlia could use Kenning on people who were miles away, while the Hollow could also mind control people from miles away. 15. Dahlia could use magic to physically affect something from miles (like when she removed Klaus’ dagger and also when she melted his dagger). The Hollow could also do the same when from miles away, when she killed a set of birds and caused them to fall around Hope without being present. She also did the same with breaking a mirror. 16. It took just the Mikaelsons to put down Dahlia for good but it took the Mikaelsons, Davina, Vincent, the witches of New Orleans, two siphoners, the deaths of two Originals, and two seasons (5+ years) to put Inadu down for good.
  • @Akoga17
    I love the video. Thank you for making it. I have some doubts about the list accuracy but still nicely done
  • Freya and Qetsiyah definitely should've been on here
  • If Elena isn't number 1 for wrapping these powerful beings around her finger, imma riot
  • (1)Ken- father of the God's (2)The Hollow- even hope couldn't contain her power,cus it's killing her from inside out (3)Hope -the tribrid (4)Quetsiyah- created the other side and the immortality spell (5)Cade (6)Dahlia (7)Silas (8)Bonnie (9)Freya (10)Esther Mikealson mother of the Original vampires (10)Sybil (11)Lucien Castle 1000 years upgraded Original (12)Marcel Gerard (13)Alaric (14)Klaus (14)Mikael father of the Originals (15)Elijah (16)Rebekah (17)Kol (18)Finn (19)Tristan (20)Aurora
  • Bonnie is way underestimated... She is a Bennett witch... Has the power of a 100 witches including qetsiyah as she was a Bennett witch too.... She was a psychic and she gave even cade who was 1000+ yrs old a tough challenge... while she was so young... She also knew that she was a witch at 17.... And within this period she developed nd grew more then any witch could..... If she knew this before and if she were as old as the other witches.... She would simply win ad outweigh them.... To me she is the most powerful witch as she has the greatest potential.
  • @cj576
    Ummm why is Qet and Bonnie in honourable mentions when they quite literally are the backbone of the TVDU I just don't UNDERSTAND why they down played so much but to each they own ig-
  • Just my opinion, but I feel Bonnie should be higher in the list. I mean when Enzo died she created a whole other dimension in contrast to hell. She also literally stopped hellfire. Bonnie was able to hold her own against Klaus, a 2000 year old hybrid. I just think she should be a bit higher.
  • I hate to say this but Ken is actually number 1. He's a God and even hope couldn't beat him without help. He was definitely the most powerful being. But on another note damon still cracks me up with his facial expressions lol. Look at his face when that guy sets himself on fire
  • I disagree with Hope being number 4. I mean Ken litterally said that Hope is claiming the title of the most powerfull being in existance along with him. That means that even though Jen and Ben are also gods, Hope is more powerfull than them. That's just my opinion, no hard feelings😀
  • But i do agree with Ken being number one, because Hope couldnt beat him by herself.
  • The moment i saw bon in the mentions but not the list, i knew this list would flop.