Marx Battle - Kirby Super Star Ultra OST Extended

Publicado 2013-10-04

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • I’m just here to say that Marx literally wished for the power to rule Popstar, and Kirby bested that power, which means that Kirby is more than capable of ruling Popstar himself and he chooses to live a humble life, what a guy
  • @AT7outof10
    "Welp, gotta split" -Marx at some point, probably.
  • @coffeemelonr
    “When your 7 years old and have the rock ability whilst fighting Marx and have no idea what to do because your at a one-hit ko state and your stuck in your rock form tryna not get hit but the second you get out of rock form you will die song”
  • @Gemidori
    It really speaks volumes about Kirby when he doesn't give a fuck about Marx Soul's hellish scream, in direct contrast to the player's absolute horror to it. Kirby never shows fear.
  • @vantablackecho
    Interesting little thing I noticed about Marx Soul: When he's down past half health, the battlefield changes, mainly the background. It starts off dark and murky in the beginning, but gets more vibrant, twisted, and animated when Marx speeds up and gets chaotic. It's as if Marx's increasing power and instability actually contorts the environment around him.
  • @21gummy38
    I'm so used to hearing Marx Soul's laugh when this plays...
  • @masonhhoffman
    Everyone assumes that Marx Soul died after he split in half but they seem to forget that Marx Soul was always capable of splitting in half.
  • @LucasSmh
    This song just captures "a psychotic clown just betrayed you in space and now you're pissed" so well.
  • @MedicJigglypuff
    To Show You The Power Of FlexTape- I SAWED THIS GRAPE IN HALF!
  • @BigBrawler
    Kirby Super Star Ultra where the "True Arena" begins
  • @typhondst3363
    The Tree has fallen. The Twins have been separated. The Clouds have flown away. The Blimp has crashed The Servants have failed The Great King has been dethroned. The Guardian has been felled. The Warrior has been locked away. And now... The Tribulations of the Insane Jester begin...
  • @futuf2265
    Me: I’m going to beat the true arena! Marx soul: hold my beer
  • @maxieprimo2758
    I think the reason Marx screams when he dies is because his theme is about to turn off.
  • @ravake3998
    I feel like this song’s time signature is reflective of what this boss battle is like
  • @Murr248
    I think the scariest part about Marx is that he’s not insane, or even really evil, rather it’s implied he’s still a kid, not much older than Kirby actually. In Ultra, his dialogue changes from “Now, I can do anything!” to, “Now, I can cause all the mischief I want!” Implying that he views things as more of a game or a prank than a genuine means of ruling Popstar. In fact, several other forms of Kirby media like the books and twitter art confirms this. In the books, he and Kirby are friends, and they enjoy playing pranks on others implying he’s either a child or has a VERY childlike mentality. The whole reason he’s doing this? Because of the same reason most kids like to pull pranks or do anything really mischievous. “It’s Fun” and “Because He can” This can be applied to his actual fight as well, as much as people say he is… he’s one of the goofiest, cuddliest looking bosses in the Kirby series. Rainbow wings with hearts on them, Puppydog eyes, and a barrage of silly faces that look more similar to well known memes than anything all that horrifying (You can’t look as his face when he uses his Mega Laser and not be reminded of the popular Shoop-Da-Whoop meme). And even his Worm Hole attack ends with Kirby getting pelted by bright yellow stars. This is where the horror comes in. After Kirby deals the last hit, Marx recoils right into Nova. This presumably kills him. Especially considering besides the remake, he never showed up in another mainline game again, and even in spinoffs his appearances were very rare. It wasn’t until Star Allies that he was confirmed alive and “Somewhat” reformed. I say somewhat because in the JP version of the game, it states that he still wants to try his original plan of taking over Popstar. Worst part is he can anytime he wants without Kirby’s help now. Now that he’s show to use the powers Nova gave him the first time, and Meta Knightmare, while non-canon shows us that Nova technically can’t die. When Meta Knight collects the wishing stars, he revives Nova. This is supported by one of Nova’s eyes not working, and his animation for being summoned is different than the one used in Milky Way wishes, as it’s his Death animation in reverse. So if Marx wanted to, he could gather up the stars and resummon Nova any time he feels like it. Also speaking of Nova it clearly misheard Marx because it was about to crash into Popstar and Kill everyone (How or WHY would Marx want to rule a planet with no life left on it?) proving just how dangerous and faulting the Clockwork Stars truly are. Speaking of Nova AGAIN. In the non-canon true arena Marx actually does die, but Nova, determined to make Marx’s wish come true sacrifices itself to revive Marx. This is when Marx actually gets pretty disturbing. His skin is now a rotting purple as opposed to the soothing lavender he usually has. His laugh is now a distorted, low pitched, deranged cackle as opposed to his jittery chipmunk-like giggle from before. Marx is also one of the few bosses that bleeds in his fight. When he uses his worm hole now, acidic, insect-like blood is shown before it snaps in half. His eyes are not only red, but cat-like in design. His colorful wings are now red, and the multicolored hexagons that make them now flash grey, red and blue. Granted he does still have some… unthreatening attacks? Like raining paint from the sky. But that only reminds you that Marx is still a child. One forced to fight his friend in a mindless, zombie like state, yet he still shows signs of playfulness. His death here is even worse. Not only does he let out a blood curdling shriek, but if you take notice Marx is still smiling as his body splits in half Thankfully, this fight wasn’t canon and Marx would get a happy ending. It’s just quite sad to know that he can very much be described as Kirby’s version or Porky from the mother series (although he’s far worse than Marx is) As for the popular theory that Marx only did it because he was hungry, that seems to be more of a joke (Gooey’s descriptions do this too where they basically state he’s one of the more intelligent beings on Popstar because his blank state is actually just incredibly deep thought). Mainly it seems to be a reference to the gremlins films above all else.
  • @crowbro_
    Meanwhile, Back at Nintendo Game Freak: So, what will be the plot for the next Pokemon Game? Nintendo: I dont know... Game Freak: Cmon, atleast a good plot? Nintendo: * shrugs lightly * HAL:. * bursts in with a copy of Kirby Super Star Ultra * HAL: I HAVE AN IDEA! And thus, the next plot had the Sun and Moon fight, again.
  • @Faxanadu_
    It's kind of crazy to me that with how insane Marx Soul is, they didn't bump his theme up to 11, it's still just..Marx's theme
  • @djfloyd8709
    Marx Soul was the first final boss that gave me a hard time. Till this I can still hear his laugh and scream
  • @lucentshadow
    I remember when I finally got past Galacta Knight in the True Arena, and I had used stone to get through there because I was just too woeful in terms of skill to use anything else at the time; but anyways, I got to Marx Soul and had absolutely no idea what to do, and he had cut down my health to next to nothing, but I had also got him down to low health too. And that's the point where he starts going really crazy with his attacking. So I sat in stone and waited for an opportunity to attack - but it never came. I waited so long there in purgatory, unable to move out of my stone knowing I'd die from the next hit, but I could never tell what he was doing so I just had to sit there and keep waiting or else risk having to start all over from the beginning. Eventually, I did come out of stone and beat him...after almost a full hour. My time was 56 minutes and something seconds. Nothing in life ever got my heart pounding as much as it did then after that day.
  • @Gup2
    Imagine staying in a single time signature for more then 10 seconds