Why Looking Poor is Important According to Grandma


コメント (8)
  • TotallllllY TRUE : ) When I was a kid, [I was only 7] I asked my Grama to wear her beautiful [real, all gold] bracelet the night we were going out to dinner as a family. To me, it was so sparkly, so pretty etc She said, I don't want to be seen as ''showing off'' I said but it looks soooo nice, she said it is, but when I go out, I like to look neat, clean, pretty but ''not'' over the top ... She also said it would be like ''bragging'' [saying] that they could afford 'expensive' things in life which might make others to feel uncomfortable. That said, my grandparents ''always'' bought an average, 'normal' non showy vehicle [it was way under their 'means$'] They drove it for many years & then would buy a not too old 2nd hand vehicle or new, but again, with NO extras / nor bells & whistles. My Grama also said, many of those expression you mentioned plus - ''a penny saved, is a penny earned' : )
  • People are now more worried about keeping up with the Jones. Even though the Jones are bearly able to make the minimum payment on their credit cards. We will need to return to this lifestyle. The United States is at 100% debt to our GDP. At 125% we will be bankrupted. Which is about 5 years away at this rate. We will feel the sting very soon. 😢😢😢
  • I have always thought this way ever since I was younger it's better to have more than to look all fancy and all. However I would say that the times where I have quote on quote dress fancy it's all been things that I've got second hand or from a Goodwill or thrift store or even just from a free clothing place. But I have never spent fancy money and I don't ever plan to do so. I love the humble life that the good Lord has provided to my family and I. Blessings to everyone here on this channel.
  • @gaylecyou
    Maybe ask the jones what they need help with rather then Judi g them or trying to be them . I never cared what the jones had or did have . I pursue my grandmom did eather