The Most Hated Deck in Clash Royale History

Published 2022-12-06
This video will cover probably the most infamous deck in Clash Royale history. Hog 2.6. Perhaps the oldest meta deck that is still used by a lot of players today. This video will cover a brief history of the deck and talk about how this deck was revolutionary, why it's so polarizing, why it never dies, and if it really requires as much skill as some people claim.

All Comments (21)
  • It's kinda hard not to hate this deck when your 25 elixer gets countered by someone spamming chucks of ice and lead shooters
  • @mokakola7777
    "Can't nerf a card because it's so good in one specific deck" Supercell with night witch: "Watch me"
  • @piranhabones
    The reason it's so unbelievably annoying to play against 2.6 is that sometimes, if the opponent is not braindead, your attack simply cannot touch the tower. With some decks, your only hope at SMELLING the enemy tower is just to HOPE AND PRAY the opponent makes a serious blunder, which is obviously not in your control. It just feels like you can't do anything, because the deck's defense is so brutally good. 80% of the deck is just defense, with the occasional hog rider or spell cycling.
  • Hog chip damage is definitely the worst part about this deck. In order to prevent the hog from doing any damage, you usually need a negative elixir trade. And you likely won't have the same cards for the next hog, because he's already halfway to the next one. So unless you have a cycling deck of your own or have a deck built to handle this, its just going to be a pain.
  • @Astrosk1er
    If you say hog 2.6 every mid ladder player will immediately go into a panic attack
  • @Sauliusss
    2.6 Million views🥶🥶🥶🥶
  • the main problem here is that you NEED to rely on the other player making a mistake. you can't outplay it, or outsmart it. you just have to hope they screw up in one way or another.
  • @DatHuggiePro
    The history of logbait could be cool seeing as it never really fades out of the meta and has so many variations Edit: my wish has come true
  • @brxyann
    As someone who hasn’t played clash royale since 2017, this was a super interesting video and kept me watching the whole time. Nice job
  • @lilypads3033
    Nothing is more satisfying than getting through a hog 2.6 defenses and finally 3 crowning them
  • @Payuki_
    Ah, the good old days when cards actually started at level 1
  • When I played CR, Hog 2.6 was always annoying, but it felt like I was getting outplayed. Ice Bow was the deck that really pissed me off. Eventually I learned the matchup pretty well, and I could play around it with my deck, but every time someone spammed the laughing emote at me while dropping Tesla and X-Bow at the bridge made my blood boil.
  • @xd_joe
    this channel is a perfect example of quality over quantity, which is pretty rare in the clash royale youtube scene. Props to you
  • @bruhchannel1216
    i never thought of 2.6 as a no skill JUST SPAM THE HOG deck i tried it a few times and i was like "but oj has defended 50 mega nights and 100 night witches with a cannon and ice golem how come i lost🥹" and after that i started respecting the skill it takes to defend 20 elixir pushes with an ice golem and musketeer
  • @Yupp6720
    Fun fact the name of the fourth skeleton was Ledoom and since Ledoom got removed from skeleton card Ledoom joined the skeleton army buffing the skeleton army from 14x to 15x a little bit
  • @saturnine.
    One of my biggest problems with this deck is literally just how popular it is. It isn’t as bad right now, but a few months ago I would be going up against a hog2.6 player like every other game. I have screenshots of my battle log after I had faced 4 hog 2.6 players in a row on ladder. Some games I won, some games I lost - my problem isn’t really the deck itself, it’s just that it’s so common to see and really takes a lot of the fun out of the game. With billions of possible decks people could make that I could play against, why on earth do I keep seeing the same one over and over again?
  • @Pudding404
    Back in 2017 when skeletonarmy cost 5 and arena 8 was just released, this deck dominated. Stalling really is the universally hated playstyle no matter where you go.
  • @bloodofthemage6054
    I always preferred going against 2.6 than log bait, it was so versatile that it was almost impossible to win if the player only mained log bait.
  • @jamesadams1060
    It’s so funny that when you’re talking about countering other decks with skillful plays, it’s always playing against Megaknight