19 year OLD has TRUMP derangement syndrome; DERANGEMENT SYNDROME (Part 2) | MY_DOODE DEBATES

Publicado 2024-07-22

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @kendexter
    Trump should drop out -he is very old now . 4 years more and he will be 82 ,aging goes fast after 80
  • @Vaushgg
    I am 19, and I will be voting for Kamala Harris because I hate Trump and fascism.
  • Really, not to insult all 19 yr olds, but this 19yr old is very uninformed and ignorant, and he believes that he is smart and informed. I admit that I was ignorant at 19 yrs old and I thought I was smarter than I was. But this kid would prefer to not see or hear any facts.
  • @Samrothstein87
    This kid doesn’t even understand that the House & Senate are Congress.
  • @evand9113
    Not liking trump is not a syndrome , it's just being observant
  • @AmbassadorInsane
    This 19 year old kid, who just gained consciousness, literally climbing on Mitt Romney's shoulders to call him a RHINO is hilarious.
  • This guy has no clue how the oil industry works. At no point in many decades have we gotten all of our oil from Texas.
  • @garymankey6186
    The Pennsylvania delegation has just unanimously pledged its support for Kamala Harris for president.
  • @elishebaxoxo
    If the Rich would pay their fair share of Taxes. It would bring down inflation.
  • @barazo1011
    Sounds like every republican I have ever met or spoken with. Him being 19 is just so sad to have such oblivious views. Living in a red state, I've spoken with more than a few. I enjoy friendly debates/ conversations about politics, but it's near impossible to do so with them. They know nothing and don't submit facts it's all regurgitated rhetoric. Simple Google searches and sifting through varied sources are impossible for these people.
  • TRump LITERALLY SAID "I don't care about any of you, I just care about your vote," at a rally just a few weeks back.
  • @Handle70770
    This kid did not graduate high school, he was pushed through. He was very clearly part of the no child left behind, helicopter parent. He learned absolutely nothing in his time in an educational institution.🎉
  • @ricklarsen7189
    My one stop shop to replenish my supply of MAGA tears. Good for coffee, bathing, or watering vast crops.
  • in no certain terms. this caller sounds just like what the trump shooter might sound like
  • @Cromose
    Whats wrong with Trump ? Everything lol 😂
  • @jakelong781
    Gas was so cheap during the pandemic because no one was buying gas. So they dropped the price because demand was low.