How to Make a GOOD X-MEN Movie

Published 2023-09-01
A video made by SuperFrame.

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Big thanks to Kunal Chopra @Get2DaChopra for the costume designs used throughout the video and thumbnail art!! Go check him out!!!

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All Comments (21)
  • It's crazy how you and Nando V Movies are the head creative team at marvel wow
  • @darksharxz
    “Not Wolverine and Friends”. I felt that in my soul ✊🏿
  • @BaithNa
    Xavier using Cerebro (and his psychic abilities) to cover up the existence of mutants isn't a cop out, its an analog for real world things like the underground railroad. There's also a precedent for it in the Marvel Ultimate Universe, where Xavier and Fury worked together to hide the existence of mutants. Of course it all fell apart when the mutant population exploded and certain elements of the government began hunting them with Sentinels but it would also explain the X mansion having military grade technology.
  • @hiimchrisj
    This is a totally irrelevant detail but it's always bugged me that Xavier's is supposedly a school but it's only ever portrayed as a bunch of kids studying in random rooms of a big mansion that look like it's some makeshift class situation rather than a fully established private school. One detail I'd be sure to add if I was in charge of the franchise is that as the story goes on I would have the mansion actually get expanded into a full campus over time to have a visual representation of all the progress being made throughout the stories.
  • @azuresaiyan9005
    Making Iceman the pov character was genius and the kind of thing the character needed as he's always felt like the most disposable of the o5 over the years. Making him the precursor to Kitty is the perfect role for him.
  • @Aureilius2112
    I love the characterization of Cyclops. I hope someone from Marvel sees this and takes some notes for their adaptation.
  • @icekold45
    So I absolutely love this. The only questions I have is regarding Bobby's life before he's picked up. Is there anyone looking for their son or their friend? Does Bobby ever want to go back to his old life? Bobby's choice to remain with the X-Men could have more emotional weight if we know what he's leaving.
  • @Aureilius2112
    I’d love to see Magneto struggle a bit to block Cyclops’ optic blast with his visor on just to demonstrate how powerful his blasts can be.
  • @devonmoore3854
    I am only 43 mins in but god damn it I LOVE this characterization of Scott as a leader, hard worker, and arguably a better man than Charles! I reluctantly understand why movie studios shifted all the attention to Hugh Jackman, but I hated how they didn't let Scott be their "MCU Captain America" so to speak.
  • When Magneto sees Hank, I think itd be cool if he genuinely compliments his new look
  • @gravityfalls1826
    Please continue with these, they are so good. Also, I'd point out that when the sentinels attack, you could have Jean telepathically tell one or 2 of the students to protect the rest. It could be a cameo from some of the New Mutants, like Cannonball and Karma. You could do this cuz it was sort of glossed over that the school is operational with 100+ students and none of the x-men went to see if the kids were okay.
  • @marcusyee2211
    I'd personally like Brenton Thwaites as Cyclops. A bit unimaginative but I think his portrayal of Nightwing in Titans acted as a good audition to playing Scott Summers. He can pull off the serious and stoic attributes but also do the scenes that require more compassion and vulnerability (i.e. his scenes with Raven throughout the series and Starfire specifically in the last season)
  • @TheDoubleD441
    Let me tell you something One thing that I've always admired about this guy is his passion, the love he has for what he talks about. His DC Universe videos are a prime example, his videos on Spider-Man, Superman and Batman as well but this X-Men pitch just may very well be his crowning achievement. I've never seen anyone storyboard an entire movie from scratch. anyone can see the hard work Mitch has put into making this video down to the writing and editing. Mad respect for you man, continue to prosper
  • @sugen747
    i normally dont like listening to fanfics of superhero movies, but damn man you really have such an understanding of the process of making a superhero movie that I just love hearing this pitch. Keep it going! 🥳🥳🥳🥳
  • @BaithNa
    An Omega level mutant is a mutant with abilities that have no upper limits, its determined over years or decades of experimentation with their abilities and research into what they are actually doing with their abilities. There's no way Xavier could determine if a mutant has omega level abilities in a single danger room session nor would he even attempt to do so.
  • @lewisholiman9237
    Considering how many characters we have in the MCU at this point who’ve been kept alive for decades through stasis, I think a better and simpler way to explain Magneto appearing roughly sixty despite being more like a hundred would be for him to accomplish it through his powers. Just do a quick scientific explanation of how he manipulates the iron in his blood to slow the aging process to a crawl or something. Additionally, it would showcase just how widely applicable mutants’ abilities can be; a point that characters like Charles can bring up when arguing how much of a positive contribution mutants are to the world.
  • I don’t think mutants as a whole should come from the snap/reverse-snap but I think it would make sense if it greatly increased the number of mutants, thereby making it harder for Xavier to hide their existence and giving Magneto his opportunity to come out into the spotlight.
  • @CineM0N
    Wow, just wow. I love how Charles never mentions magneto to the X-men until they meet. Not only that, I love how Magneto attacking the first base came back with him showing up at the base the X-men were. It set Magneto up as the antagonist in a very fun fresh way without having him be the typical looming “big bad” cause the main antagonist is really the MRD.
  • @thesuperframe
    UPDATE: the video has hit 100k so looks like I’ll be doing a part two! YOOO!! So happy you guys are stoked for this video n that you're lovin' it!! If this crosses the 100k mark I will get to work on PART II. (Part II will feature Sinister as the villain, dive deeper into Scott's past, Angel will get more of a spotlight and we'll introduce a host of new characters for our X-Men to contend with cough Nightcrawler) Generally I'm pretty happy with the video, one element that could've been done better though is explaining Bobby's transition from his past life to his new life as an X-Men. You could easily remedy this by saying Bobby has just told his parents he's moved to a boarding school/scholarship etc. HOWEVER, I think something cooler would be to have Xavier give him an ultimatum after he's had a taste for this fun life, return to his OLD life OR start his NEW life with the X-Men and have everyone he knows forget about him (friends and family) thanks to Xavier doing a mind-wipe with cerebro. 1. This would seed the later development where we find out Charles messed with Hank's mind, showing that such an action is within xaviers character, that if he's done it to friends and family then he might've done it to us too. 2. It would also help Hanks argument that Charles is indoctrinating these kids when there most maluable. 3. It creates a strong decision on the characters behalf where we see him give up his old life (failing classes, grades, friends that dont really care about him) in exchange for his new one ( a life with potential to be great) 4. it creates a strong narrative moment where he 'enters the new world' so to speak, completely stepping into his role as an X-Man. 5. It would also punctuate the moment where he second guesses his decision to become an X-Man when he's talking to Jean.
  • @darkelmo2023
    Crazy good fanfic! I love how you handled Magneto and kept his back story, while adding in some fun new material. I also love the focus on Scott being a real leader and relatable character rather than a romantic foil for Wolverine. Jean felt a little underutilized and a bit quiet for being the most powerful person on the team, but I'm sure that will improve with each fanfic pitch! Can't wait for more!