Pomegranate Pomegranate: How To Cut Open a Pomegranate - Secret Pomegranate opening Trick

Published 2011-12-17

All Comments (21)
  • @CameramanCat
    I'm just eating a pomegranate. Wish I knew this technique 10 minutes earlier!
  • @asafupps
    Video: pomegranate 5.4 Million people: interesting
  • @ls318
    Omg! The easiest way to cut a pomegranate!! I love them, but hated cutting it open, I always wasted half the fruit! Thank you!
  • @ebfabulous
    omg this works ! My pomegranate was a little over ripe, so it wasnt perfect, but it worked out great. thanks so much
  • @smugjesus7392
    I didn't know i was always using this man's technique to cut pomegranate ..
    Pomegranate tastes so good, kinda like a cranberry.. A little tart but also very sweet and very juicy !! I HEART this fruit !!
  • @fugeepop
    Wish I watched this before I butchered the hell out if mine lmao
  • @purple1432
    This was the technology’s 10 years ago, and us in 2021 still don’t know how to do it 😂
  • @pr0xy693
    I love the cracking noise when u open it lol
  • @mvecera
    This technique worked flawlessly the very first time I tried it! Amazing! 100% yield. No juicy mess. Just perfect jewels!
  • @MinhandJulie
    Thank You! We have a pomegranate tree in our back yard and used your way to cut them open. Brilliant!
  • @Marma9095
    Wow! That's amazing & simple too, definitely the best way I've seen on how to get all the seeds out with the least amount of mess. Thanks
  • @drnichols3
    Hands down, this is the best demonstration yet! Thanks!
  • @lilaznoreo
    Just tried this. Worked like a charm! Best way to get the seeds out!!!
  • @jeraldsib
    There are other ways demonstrated here on youtube, but this is the best I have seen.
  • @Bomboclat200
    Ah yes this video is gonna be in everybody’s recommendations