How to break the cycle of overthinking and anxiety through mindfulness.

Published 2023-03-01
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This series is a part of "What They Don't Tell Us", stemmed from my passion to amplify curiosity & a growth mindset.

I host authors, motivational speakers, and educators bringing new questions, lessons, & life skills to the forefront that we should have learned back before many other things, but haven’t. What They Don’t Tell Us plans to change all with the intention to shift and shape mindsets.

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All Comments (11)
  • This helped me so much! Tried to stay in the moment the whole time. It was hard, I prepared myself and I feel at peace now! Thank you
  • @v9b23j
    Mindfulness brings ourselves to feel our uncomfortable emotions i. e. anxiety, recognize and identify it. Self soothing with self compassion is a powerful tool; we become our guide and our best friend. Having sovereignty over our inner locus of control with self awareness empowers us rather than having an alloplastic defense which disempowers us. And, as Helen says, when we are feeling anxiety and sadness and simply want the other person to hold space or empathise with our feelings, most people's go to response is to fix us or minimise or dismiss our feelings because most people feel discomfort with other people's distress; it's invalidating because we don't feel seen, heard and understood. It disconnects us from each other. Society doesn't create a safe space for us to grieve; instead it rushes us to get over with it and move on with life so we can be distracted, on autopilot and productive.
  • @GanyLil
    Incredibly interesting interview!!! Thank you Tracy!!! Loved every second of it!!!
  • I just finished this new episode and I have to give first a big compliment to Tracy. It is not easy to interview and hold up a conversation , ask the "right" questions and make it interesting and exciting. So, well done Tracy. Todays guest was quite charismatic and I liked her vibe. I could tell that she had gone through own personal issues, that made her more understanding for other peoples pain such as anxiety. One point which is very important to me and the only point which I disagreed in these 1 hr of talk, is that when it was said that anxiety is not a clinical condition. I know that some psychologists disagree but my Psychologists and Psychiatrist all said that anxiety is a mental disorder whereas fear is the human emotion. Its just the terminology that bothers me when people use it so easily, not talking about you do but in general people use it like they use depression so easily whereas depression is also a clinical disorder. In my opinion anxiety as a mental disorder is not yet so much acknowledged and especially in the east, you are told to shake it off and move on with your life.. which is for both women and men, horrific and painful and ver hurtful when someone is being so insenstive. Now, coming to the speaker.. I noticed you tried couple of times asking the Psychotherapist what are her methods.. and I had to smile because I am pretty sure no one except me has yet invented practical "methods" which go beyond breathing techniques and mindful meditation. As an aspiring children counsellor I have come up with methods which are practical can be done anywhere without stopping what you are doing, I think I have talked about them ob my youtube channel. Anyways, neverthless I find that conversation insightful. I hope it reaches a lot of people and educate them for the better. My methods, are now used by my Psychiatrists for other patients. I am myself a survivor of severe ptsd, paranoia and anxiety, whereas the Doctors are saying the anxiety is triggered by the medication I have to take for my obsessive thinking. My brain without medics. is super fast much faster then a "normal" brain so I think fast, observe fast and come to conclusions fast which is not good if I my observation was lacking somw insights. Then i end up, which we call jumping to conclusions. So iam taking medication to basically slow down my brain and see the thoughts coming in slow motion. Needless to say at the beginning this was torture.. But I learned to grow with it and deal with it. But suddenly out of the blue i get these anxiety attacks and even with my methods I cant handle them all, I can reduce the attack but not stop the thinking. Which is my next step to try and Tracy you are a wonderful, deep, thoughtful and beautiful person and this Video has made me feel acknolwdged that I am not crazy abd that my feelings matter. Thank You and also I am now more confident and motivated to go on and develop a method for the sudden anxiety which comes when I am the most calm. Thank You keep the videos coming , Iam here :D
  • @humabjl9452
    I haven't finished watching the episode, but I'm sure of the great lessons in it. I like the dialogue, despite all the modern talk, we don't understand ourselves easily
  • @monicakaram86
    Thanks Tracy for bringing this topic and for introducing us to Helen, she is truly amazing! Can you recommend a good book on mindfulness?