What If the Electoral College is Tied?


コメント (21)
  • @Priesstt_
    Imagine spending your entire life in the American eye. Deciding to run for president, spending years worth of stress on promoting yourself over a couple months. Winning all of it and being nominated for your area. Going one on one for the most powerful role on the planet. Getting 269/270 electoral votes, just one away from the presidency. Then you pick heads and the coin lands on tails.
  • @Zorbak962
    I knew Alaska's representative was a bear with a tie.
  • @Naxvarus
    Everything you said in this video gave me a headache. Not because I didn't understand it, but because I did.
  • It's worth mentioning that if there's a 50-50 tie in the Senate, the VP does break the tie, so if a President is running for re-election and there's an Electoral College tie, the VP can vote for themselves.
  • There's about a one-in-fifty chance this video's going to get REALLY relevant in a few months.
  • "Don't worry, there is an 18th century solution to the problem!" lol fml this is too true
  • @Stormson
    so kanye could be president after all...
  • “Vice President and president can be from two different parties” So Like how they used to do it...
  • Hey cgp, you forgot one minor detail about the senate part. The senate has a tiebreaker: the Vice President. In the scenario you described, the outgoing Vice President would get to cast the tie breaking vote.
  • @Ildskalli
    Don't even mention the coin toss!! Here in Chile, when two candidates for Mayor are tied, the tie is broken with... a coin toss. And most of us never knew because it was so unlikely, that it barely merited mention. Until it happened this past Sunday. And I think I speak for a lot of my fellow countrymen/women when I say that is ridiculous, shameful even. So no, please, no coin tosses in a democracy. There's much better ways to break ties.
  • Who is watching this at 2020 on the 4th of November, waiting for the results wondering if this could happen
  • Don't mind me, just placing my premature bet that this video is going to blow up in a few days...
  • Solution. Make Peuto Rico the 51st state. No more representative ties.
  • Both entertaining and terrifying information.
  • @Czarmzy
    Then: Cool trivia but I doubt it will be ever useful 2020:
  • @olucaszb
    And of course YouTube recommends this the day after the 2020 election