Meditation Starts at 7:10

This relaxing meditation consists of subliminal messages that are meant to help you open and balance your root chakra. The base frequency of the Isochronic Tones is 256hz, 396hz and 432hz and it’s related to the root chakra.

There are deeply embedded commands built into the background of this meditation.

This Formulation was created to help heal, balance & energize the Root chakra. The Sanskrit word Chakra literally translates to wheel or disk and are spiraling energy centers. There are seven major chakras though some authors talk about ten and even twelve major chakras. We will concentrate on the seven major chakras system in general, but just the First Chakra in this particular formulation

The 1st Chakra is known in Sanskrit as 'Muladhara', meaning,"root." Mula means "root" and "adhara" means support

The 1st Chakra is also known by the names: "Root Chakra", "Base Chakra", and "Coccygeal Plexus Chakra." The 1st Chakra is located between the anus and genitals (perineum) at the base of the spine, or the coccygeal plexus. This chakra deals with physical sex as it is located where the physical sex features or genitalia are located. And because physical sex deals with regeneration, the 1st Chakra also deals with the regenerative principle

This chakra is where one connects to the Earth, and draws upon this stable and grounding support. It connects you with birthplace, your culture, and your foundations. It corresponds to the adrenal glands. The color this chakra emits is: RED and forms the foundation for the raising of Kundalini energy

The METAPHYSICAL ATTRIBUTES of the 1st Chakra include: Survival, Grounding, Material Possessions, Livelihood, Will to live on the Earth Plane, Poverty-Lack Consciousness/Abundance Consciousness

★Powerful Root Chakra Muladhara Healing-Balancing-Energizing Formula★

Physical Benefits: Targets the adrenal glands for purposes of balancing the energy of these glands. Energetically promotes vitality, will to be on the earth, connection to the earth, sense of self-support and security and feeling grounded. This formulation contains numerous frequencies, programmed energy, mantras such as"LAM", gemstone & crystal healing vibrations of Red Jasper, Red Garnet, Raspberry Quartz, Ruby, Red Aventurine, Black Tourmaline, Red Carnelian, Smokey Quartz & Black Obsidian all working towards a healthy root chakra and will help with imbalanced characteristics listed below

IMBALANCED CHARACTERISTICS of the 1st Chakra include: Heaviness, Sluggish, Monotony, Obesity, Hoarding, Materialism, Greed; Fearful, Undisciplined, Restless, Underweight, Spacey; Sexually indiscriminate, focus is entirely genital, nervous sexual energy, may be sadistic

A healthy Root Chakra can provide the basis of support needed for the rest of the chakras to function properly


Here are some of the affirmations I used both subliminally and binaurally

I feel safe, grounded and supported
I feel stable, confident and secure
My root chakra is perfectly balanced at all times
I trust myself to make healthy choices that are right for me
I stand in my own strength
I allow my inner truth and confident to guide me
With every day that goes by, I feel more and more healthy
Every cell of my body is filled with energy of vitality
I am grateful for all the experiences for growth and prosperity that life provides me
I feel a deep sense of belonging to this world

This may be one of our best soundtracks, the meditation part is a combination of two songs which always seem to magically go together when it comes to mettaverse

If you watch the video the color red is also created to activate your energy center as well

#rootchakra #Muladhara #firstchakra #chakras

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Music by Mettaverse

Spiritual Rejuvenation ✧ Mystic Ambient Meditation Music ✧ 111Hz, 222Hz, 444Hz, 888Hz
432Hz ✧ Natural Vibrations ✧ Restorative Healing Music ✧ Stress and Anxiety Relief
396Hz Root Chakra // Liberation from Guilt and Fear

コメント (21)
  • We all want to open those higher chakras but most of us don’t even have our root chakra opened. Try this to ground yourself and to activate your root meditation starts at 7:10 Buy My Art - Unique Sigil Magic and Energy Activation Through Flow Art and Voyages Through Space and Imagination. BUY MY BOOK!… Listen to my book on audible… The New Earth Activation trainings - Immerse yourself in 12 hours of content focused on the new earth with channeling, meditations, advanced training and access to the new earth Alternate Universe Reality Activation get full access to new meditations, new lectures, recordings from the reality con and the 90 day AURA meditation schedule Like us on Facebook… Join our Facebook group The Reality Revolution Contact us at For coaching – For all episodes of the Reality Revolution – Subscribe to my Youtube channel
  • Wow, I felt a warmth in my pelvic area and when you said to give my baggage to the earth I couldn’t, I felt bad and then you said.. that Mother Earth would take it and make something beautiful with it. I started to cry a little and said thank you and then I felt this warmth and tingling in my lower abdomen it was incredible. Thank you so much.
  • for those who have already heard the intro and wish to go straight to the meditation, it starts at 7:07 🙏
  • When you said to root/ground yourself to earth as a tree, I pictured myself as Groot from Guardians of the Galaxy. Lol I Am Groot!
  • This is the first meditation to make me break into tears, and I've been meditating for a few years now. Amazing work.
  • This meditation made me want to give a big hug. Felt so safe and confident in my own skin. Excited to strengthen this chakra before the next. Also started laughing at random times. Felt like my higher slef was laughing at all the problems I created by blocking this chakra. Haha life is so easy when you allow. Thanks Brian!
  • Very hard to find dedicated guided chakra mediations that are straight to the point. Appreciate it, enjoy it. The information he's giving you is usually given by a teacher or is found deep deep in the intenets or libraries. He's made it easily accessible for us. Thank you, brian.
  • BEST Root Chakra Grounding 🧘🏽‍♀️ in existence. Before finding this I was unaware why I felt so unsafe/unstable alone & I couldn’t protect or cleanse properly. Nor could I clear my space of negativity with meditation alone. Now I understand ♥️❤️ I had only focused on higher chakras & felt my 3rd eye was too active. Enough to send me running to GROUND & BALANCE my Root chakra ASAP=finding this. Your content is life changing. I thank you for empowering me to help myself & my💔 to begin healing~ Brian my Love & Respect to you sir
  • I want to say that this was the first grounding I had ever done and I wound up psychically sick for a week. I have done it again since and do fine. Just wanted to show how powerful it really is. I share with everyone who needs grounding. Thank you for all you do. Love and Light
  • Root chakra is my favorite to be honest. I love imagining red energy flowing from my feet taking permission for the space I take on the planet and affirming myself worthy of that space. I like to imagine roots lingering from every step I take through the day I focus on root chakras (Sunday's) and it makes me feel safe imagining me connecting with the earths core and hear center with each step. This channel's chakra meditations are my fave I definitely feel the power of his voice and powerful music. Thank you so much hope all reading this feel safe and well being ❤️❤️❤️
  • I am internally and eternally at peace, guided, protected, and influenced by my Motherly Earth and my Heavenly Father.. Thank you🙏👁❤👁
  • @Oaxa2023
    Root chakra is the first step to heal/ connect to your inner child. Energy of healing your inner child starts in your root chakra.
  • I shouldn't be surprised that you have a video that I was talking about yesterday on your podcast about being the tree. I was a beautiful Oak tree. Today I was a pine. I kept being directed to watch this video. Very good. I cried a little and now feel strong and grounded.
  • I’ve been practising basic mindfulness for five years now and only recently started to explore chakras. I’ve just completed this meditation for the first time and the most amazing thing happened, something I’ve never experienced before. As I began to imagine my legs and feet reaching deep into the earth (I was a geologist so relatively easy for me to visualise for a change), I could no longer fee them. My hands, which rested on my thighs, felt as through they floated in space with my fingers reaching out and gathering energy from the universe. It was a strange but wonderful feeling. This is the third of your meditations that I’ve done, Brian, and I thank you. I wonder though, when you imagine or visualise something happening to your body , do you visualise it from an internal perspective, as though looking down at yourself, or externally, such that you see a figure representing yourself as though you were looking at someone else? My awareness seems to switch between the two perspectives and sometimes I have trouble visualising anything, even a colour. Thank you again and much peace to you,.
  • I just felt my soul leaving my body it‘s insane thank you so much for your videos. I never felt that grounded in my entire life of stress and anxiety. Definitely subscribed.
  • I've been subscribed to you for awhile but just watched random videos occasionally, particularly sleep meditations. But for the past couple days I have been binge watching/listening and this channel is pure goodness. It's everything I need in one channel. I am thankful for your existence!
  • Mr. Scott - I thank you for this meditation. Your guidance here has resonated deeply with me and lead me to, and through an opening I’ve not previously experienced. Eternally grateful to you.