How Narcissist Steals Your Unconscious, Lures YOU into His Nightmare World

The narcissist induces in you a dream state by entraining you, takes over your unconscious, mirrors you as loving mother would, inserts himself as an intractable introject in your mind.

When you cry for help, no one gives it because the narcissist is nobody and "nobody is killing you" (like in the story of Ulysses and the Cyclops).

The guy in the thumbnail is Jacques Lacan - not Sam Vaknin.

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コメント (21)
  • When I came out of my relationship, the first thing I thought to myself was “you can’t make this shit up, it needs to be made into a movie”
  • The narcissistic lobotomy, you end up just staring out of a window with no thoughts, no emotion, you just shut down. It's hard to wake up.
  • "Every attempt to explain herself is dismissed that causes her lack of identity" . Yep.
  • I thought it was Professor Vaknin in the thumbnail , him and Lacan do look like twins!
  • Incredible. Narcs are robots, the virtual simulation. So Professor non-directly confirmed - we live in a simulation. This is not our world. It's theirs
  • Brilliantly put, Sam: "Outsource your identity to me, because I've taken your authentic original identity, and trampled it underfoot."
  • This video is a TEXTBOOK of pure genius level, eye opening wisdom!!!!! I consider myself privileged to be alive in the same decade as Prof Sam Vaknin.
  • Since Lacan says The Unconscious is structured like a language, I can see how the narcissist uses language to steal the Other’s unconscious.
  • @Fururu333
    Wonderland really is a nightmarish world. Where things don’t make sense, you start doubting yourself, up is down and so on. And the characters in it are dismissive and speaking in riddles, confusing you even more, or are downright hostile. It truly is a great analogy for a relationship with someone with npd or aspd. You left us in suspense though, Sam! How do we reset our system and come back to normal?
  • I just woke up 2 weeks ago during an attack. The hollow statements triggered the lights and it is a complex nightmare the way the furniture of my mind is arranged. Covert Narcissist Weaponized pity was the hook. And now it must end.
  • @5ive69
    Parents and family and friends do this too. It steals your time and energy and health. Stay strong ❤
  • Dr. Vaknin, Thank you. I finally get the hall of mirrors and looking into him as a mirror. Incredible and yet, disturbingly sad. He did not exist. You are a brilliant teacher.
  • I remember towards the end of the relationship he said to me "All you seem to do is gaze out of the window "now I know why .
  • Dr. Vaknin’s resemblance to Jacques Lacan is uncanny!
  • I have to give you MUCH LOVE for the outpouring of knowledge you share in relating to the Narcisse Virus. You diligently put in AMPLE amount of content that hasn't been taught as you do. Your videos helped me to recognize EVERY action of this monster, but unlike most people I left. Because of you I'm aware..thank you, for dedicating so much of your life to this matter, it's more epic than we'll ever understand, be blessed
  • I was married to a crazy making vulnerable, intellectual narcissist….as I watched this I recalled that his favorite book is Solaris 😱😨😬☠️