Famed Relationship Therapist Esther Perel Gives Advice on Intimacy, Careers, and Self-Improvement

Published 2019-02-13

All Comments (21)
  • @ChocolateJewels
    "I am very confident when I talk but that doesn't mean I am right." - brilliant woman.
  • @TheGhashish
    one of those moments when you think that internet is one of the best things happened to you. Pure gold of knowledge poured over here. Total gratitude for Esther and everyone else involved.
  • She is a profound source of compassion, common sense and respect for other people.
  • 3:02 Is it only me who noticed that kiss from the guy in black cap to the woman next to him raising her hand - what a support 😍
  • @kitotapgono1467
    Esther Perel is the type of person society should glorify, and look up to as we celebrities, for her intellect and emotional intelligence helps solve many of our problems. Can we stop idolising people using useless criteria such as looks and bank account (unless they are an Elon Musk)
  • Her old lectures were pretty much the same content, but this one is new. I like her language, so very eloquent and concise !
  • @amberts180
    27:30 ""Stand up if the last thing you do before bed is stroke your phone.. The first thing you do when you wake up is stroke your phone.."
  • "the way you treat the other that ultimately tells you who you are". that just hit me deep, being in both situations, an alien and a native myself
  • @agnesrusso4192
    She speaks and gives these amazing talks in 9 languages around the worlds.
  • I love her way of thinking she reaches out to the audience and doesn’t speak AT you but to you .
  • @maddiemarin7301
    It was chilling when she mentioned : “How you treat others tells a lot about yourself” Much of the current society seems self consumed, blame, and poor me mentality. They (in general) talk of gratitude yet hearing a thank you in the course of one’s day is rare.
  • This is one of the best talks I have heard in a very long time.
  • Can't get enough of her beautifully expressed wisdom....a voice of clarity beckoning us to our inner voice amidst the confusion of our irrational chaotic world today....thank you for being a beacon on my path.
  • @ChocolateJewels
    She is brilliant. I find myself pausing the video so I can take notes. Talk gets really interesting around 8:00 and onward.
  • @erica5648
    Grateful for her knowledge, admire her passion to deliver truth and methods on how to help improve your overall life and relationships.
  • @janevblogs
    I admire this lady so much! She's definitely a gem! I'm learning a lot from her!
  • This was a fantastic piece, thoughtful, easy to understand and quite fun to watch.